No Energy Returned

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Your mind recovers before your body does. Thoughts speed through your head as you try to wake yourself up. ... Nothing. Your body feels nothing but warmth meaning one of two things. One: You are in Bakugou's room and everything is okay. Or, Two: Everything went wrong and another nightmare has begun.

The warmth stirs above you, causing your mind to go blank. You try your hardest to wake up but to no avail, your body stays still. Your ears can hear voices, none of which you can register. You try to focus on one person. Everything gets louder and louder. Your body flinches. Then silence.

Everything went silent. Something squeezes your body closer to theirs causing more warmth. An uncomfortable amount of warmth. No comfort found. The second part of the nightmare has begun.

In your headspace, your eyes open. Nothing but darkness can be seen. You stand up and two figures appear from either side of you. One is bright and beautiful while the other is strong and powerful.

"Hello, Y/n" The figures spoke simultaneously. Their voices sounded all too familiar. "We have been put to a stop by the 'nightmare' you speak of. There is little time before you awaken but you must learn to control us together."

"What the hell?" The two figures close in on you. Their faces are non-existing but you know who they are. "How are you two people? This doesn't even make sense." Your head spins as the figures place their hands on your arm. The bright person places her hand on your right arm and the strong person places her hand on your left arm.

"Work quick and do not stop until you have it," The bright person spoke.

"Your power was made for same-time use." You look at the strong person, hoping to see a face. Together they speak, "Work quickly to escape."

You wake up gasping for air, your body sitting up with a jolt. No one is in the room. The same room that you had just escaped from. Your head hurts as you look down at your hands. Your right hand is glowing. "What the fuck?" You lift your hand in the air, taking deep breaths as you admire it. "The figures must have added energy to the opposite sides of my body."

From outside the room, you hear a muffled groan of irritation. Footsteps begin to come closer stopping at the door. You quickly lay back down, hiding your hands. You calm your beating heart as you hear keys rattling to open the door.

"These fucking idiots. Trying everything to get him to talk." The Nightmare. "Doll." You hear his boots hit the floor as he nears the bed. "You are the only one who keeps me- ... What is this~?"

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