Travel to Training

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"Aren't you somewhat excited Katsuki?" You plop down next to Kirishima, who is seated next to Katsuki.

"Tsk... It doesn't matter." Katsuki mumbles into his hand. "It's a long ride so don't bother me." You and Kirishima look at each other before bursting into quiet laughter. You pull out your phone and begin scrolling through some news.

"Hey, Kiri," You tap his shoulder, stopping on a certain news article. "What conclusions did the news come up with for this?"

Kirishima takes your phone and a slight frown forms. "Not anything good. They all thought you were gonna switch over and become a new 'Super Villain'. It got annoying to the point where Aizawa went on the news and told them straight that nothing like that will happen." Kirishima opens the article and scrolls down to a paragraph. "The news got people thinking you left willingly. We were trying to keep information secret but damn... They do not give up."

You take your phone back and read the paragraph. As two students fight to keep their friend awake, a villain swoops in and takes her. People are saying that the poor girl wasn't actually drugged during this attack but was working with the villains. As the word spreads, more and more citizens began to grow raged at the fact the Pros did not catch this sooner. On the bright side, Pro Hero Eraserhead has agreed to have an interview to set this right. Will the people who stated this information be true or will it all be a lie?

"Damn... I guess the media really wanted in on this." You look at Kirishima who looks a little worried. You place your hand on his shoulder. "Everything is back to normal. We'll be surrounded by even more Pro Heroes!" Your smile brought faith back into his eyes as he smiles back.

"Right!" You glance at Bakugou and cover your mouth laughing. Kirishima turns towards him and covers his mouth as well. "He fell asleep!" Kirishima whispered while trying to keep his laughter down.

You open your camera and hand your phone to Kirishima. His grin widens as he takes about twenty photos. You both scroll through the photos while silently giggling. Jiro pops her head over to see what all the giggling is about. You hear her cover her mouth followed by muffled laughter. This long ride to the Wild Pussycats has turned into a short ride filled with laughter.

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