The Sludge Monster

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The bell rings dismissing the class.  You walk up to Izuku as Bakugou follows.  You notice a scowl on his face as you reach Izuku first.

“Hey, Izuku.  Wanna walk to my house together today?”  You smile as Izuku looks up at you.

“Sorry y/n.  My mom asked me to pick some things up at the store.  “How about I meet you at your house?”  Izuku stands putting his backpack on, a wry smile on his face.

“Are you sure?  I can come with you to the store.”  Your face fills with concern as Izuku shakes his head.

“Sorry…  I’ll meet you at your place, I-I promise!”  Izuku’s voice cracks as he walks out of the room.  You slowly wave to him as you feel a hand on your shoulder.

“That damn nerd will never learn Scout.”  Bakugou’s voice is heard in your right ear.

“Leave me alone Bakugou.  You just enjoy being a jerk.”  You flick Bakugou's hand off your shoulder and walk out of the classroom.  “If you weren’t such an asshole, this conversation would have been different.”

“WHAT DID YOU CALL ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT!”  Explosions are heard at Izuku’s desk as you continue to walk out the door.  You sigh as you walk out of the school, footsteps quickly closing in on you.  “You piece of shit.  Call me an asshole all you want but we still need to talk”

You stop walking as Bakugou and his ‘gang’ catch up to you.  “Come on y/n!” said a boy with dark-brown hair.  “We’re just gonna go to the alley.”  Bakugou steps in front of the boy with dark-brown hair and holds out his hand.

“Come on y/n.  You can meet the damn nerd later.  Only thirty minutes.”  You look at his hand before slowly taking his hand.

“Fine… But only thirty minutes.  Anything over and I’m calling my mom.”  Bakugou grins before pulling you with him.  His ‘gang’ follows behind.  The way to the alley is basically everything you thought, just them talking shit while Bakugou drags you along. 

“Bakugou.  I have a question.”  You pull your hand free and cross your arms.  “What's up with you and Izuku?  You used to be childhood friends but now you just go way overboard.”

The boy with gray hair spoke up while patting your back to keep you walking.  “Yeah, you went a little overboard today.”

“It’s his fault for getting in my way.”  Bakugou kicks a bottle and then stops to wait for you to catch up.

You stay quiet as you notice something come out of the bottle, ignoring the rest of the conversation.  You turn around and speak, “How about we go to the arcade?  It’ll be something different from this…”  You motion to Bakugou and his ‘gang’.

The boy with dark-brown hair smiled.  “Yeah, that sounds fun.  You’ll come too, right Katsuki?”

Bakugou grabs your hand again and rolls his eyes.  “Yeah.”

Your eyes light up.  “Let’s go to the one in front of the station!” 

The other's eyes suddenly go wide as they begin to shudder in fear.  “Hey, look!”  You and Bakugou turn around to see a sludge monster growing in size.  Bakugou pushes you behind him as the monster gets closer and closer.  “An invisible cloak with a great quirk!  Two great quirks!”

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