My, Oh, My

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Your training was a success. Your quirk is back in full power and no one in the L.O.V. knows what is gonna happen in a few hours. Kiroguri suspected you earlier this morning but that is to be expected. You told him you were training your left side when in truth you were training both. You were still working on being able to make two bubbles at once. You did it once but that took way too much power for your body. You achieved creating a dark matter bubble and on the inside, you made light energy flowers.

The only issue as of right now is getting Midoriya to leave you alone. You may have shared a sweet moment within the first week of being here but he is still the enemy. Staying with the enemy is just as bad as being one. Or, that's what I have been taught.

You go to leave the training room only to find Midoriya standing in the doorway. "Um, may I help you?" Midoriya steps in and locks the door.

"My, oh, my. You have been training a lot more than usual. I hardly ever see you in the mornings." Midoriya pouts and crosses his arm. "What are you training for?"

You plop to the floor, still out of breath from your training. "It gives me something to do. Might as well make myself useful when healing you guys so I thought I would do it here." Midoriya walks over to you with a smirk on his face.

"Are you finally giving in to my family?" he squats in front of you and lifts your chin.

You scoff, "No. I just know that one day, one of you will come back almost dead. When it comes to saving people, I don't care if they are a villain or not. I gotta help them."

Midoriya looks deep into your eyes before letting go of your chin. "Oh, Doll. Slowly you are breaking. In a few more months you will fully be one of us. You will see the world through our eyes." Midoriya pets you before standing up. He holds his hand out, a mischievous grin planted on his face. You hesitantly take his hand. He helps you stand up and pulls you into a hug. "You forgot to heal your face, doll."

"My face?" You touch your face and find blood trickling down. Your body freezes as you look at the amount of blood. "I never injured my head." You push Midoriya back and bring your left hand to your head. You produce a light energy ball and place it on your head. The wound seals shut making the room glow a warm yellow color. You use your right hand to check for any other blood. Once you're clear, you turn back to Midoriya. His face reads, what the fuck. "Sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. I'm sorry for pushing you. I just don't remember hurting my head." Midoriya only giggles and pats your head.

"It must have been from passing out earlier." Midoriya holds his hand out again. "Let us get you cleaned up, yes?"

The Light and Dark- Villain MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now