Class A V.S B

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"Who agreed to this?" Bakugou whispers as you and Shoto follow behind him into the forest.

You giggle while throwing your hand on Katsuki's shoulder. "Come on Katsuki! This will be fun! It's a way to use our quirks and scare everyone."

"Tsk..." Katsuki shrugs your hand off and puts his hand in his pockets. "Like I can get scared. This will be like walking through the streets." You look back at Shoto who is keeping up with Katsuki's pace.

"What about you Shoto?" Shoto's eyes perk up at his name. "Don't you think this will be fun?" You smile as Shoto looks past Bakugou.

Shoto hums, "I agree. This will be an interesting way of using our quirks." Your smile deepens as you add a hop in your step. You continue walking until you spot some spooky stuff. You all freeze as a head appears from the floor. Bakugou and Shoto let out a noise while you stayed still behind Katsuki.

"Holy crap, that quirk is awesome! I bet that scared the crap out of everyone." You breathe a sigh of relief once you recognize the face of the scarer. She descends back into the ground and the three of you continue through the path.

You freeze as a familiar scent hits your nose. "Y/n?" Bakugou stops walking and turns back to you. "Y/n? What the hell is wrong with you?"

Your eyes begin to search the sky as the scent grows stronger. Your eyes lock in on something in the distance as your finger points towards the sky. "Why is the sky growing?" The two boys turn to look where your finger is pointing. "Is that something from class 1-B or is that something else?" Your hand drops to your side as everything goes quiet.

A strong wind picks up blowing the blue all over the trees. All of your eyes begin to widen as the now-known fire spreads throughout the tree. "Are we under attack?" Shoto watches as the fire grows quickly, the wind picking up in temperature.

"No time to think about this right now. We need to go back to the cabin!" You quickly make three windproof glasses. "Put these on! They should help us with the wind." You hand the boys the glasses and quickly put yours on.

"Stay near each other, got it, dumbasses?" Bakugou yells out as he begins to run back to the cabin. You and Shoto nod before chasing after him. Those glasses are a lot of help but won't help if it comes to you fighting. Making three used up a lot of energy.

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