Through The Woods

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Class 1-A stands there watching the bus drive away. Pixie-Bob used her Quirk to create a landslide of dirt that caused Class 1-A to fall into a forest called The Beast's Forest. Momo is the first to speak up. "Alright everyone, let's work together and make it to the camp before 12:30."

The class takes off into the forest with the thought of getting to camp but a beast stops them in their tracks. Bakugou and Tenya go for the attack first. You create a dark matter axe and jump towards the beast's head, quickly chopping it off. Its body and head begin to soak into the ground.

"What was that?" Denki walks towards you examining the ground slightly shaken.

You squat down and pick up some of the remaining body. "It's mud." You shake the mud off and stand up. "That was a test. We should continue moving."

"Right." Momo starts walking, motioning everyone to follow. "Let's stay together." Everyone nods and follows Momo. At this point everyone was at a running speed, trying their hardest to make it to camp. Getting to camp took much longer than expected.

8 Hours Later:

You and the rest of your class finally arrive at camp battered and tired.

"Welcome to camp! I'm not gonna lie, I thought it would take you guys much longer to get here." The class looks up at Pixie-Bob, her energy not matching theirs. "You guys did an amazing job today and as a gift for your job well done, we are gonna cook for you today!"

You plop to the ground with a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Miss Pixie-Bob." Everyone else agreed and began to follow Pixie-Bob to the food area. Katsuki walks up to you with a huff.

"Get up dumbass. They are not gonna wait for you to stand up." Katsuki crosses his hands as his eyes stab into yours.

You push yourself up to a stand and take a deep breath. "That was probably the most training I have done in a while." Katsuki rolls his eyes before turning and following everyone else. You follow behind him as you take in the sight.

The forest is beautiful. The setting sun shining through the leaves allows for the perfect amount of light on the path. The cabin in the distance glows with people as they prepare food. The smell of campfire and cooked food puts hunger on your mind and saliva in your mouth. "Katsuki, tomorrow maybe you could make one of your spicy dishes?"

He peers over at you with his eyebrow up. "Since when do you like spicy food?"

You roll your eyes, "I want to see if different types of food will lead to different energy levels." You run to catch up to Katsuki. "Kinda like how energy drinks give a person energy, would different foods give me different energy?"

"It makes sense when you think about it but only training will answer that truly." Katsuki elbows your arm as you finally arrive at the cabin with everyone else. A smile fills your face as you begin to grab a plate.

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