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"As much as I want to do this, I have to see my friend first. I can't just leave her without saying goodbye." I look down. My hands are shaking while cuts and bruises cover my body.

"It is quite alright Izuku. We'll give you one last time to see her. The news says someone was just in a villain's attack, two kids in your uniform." I quickly snap my head up and look at the tv. Kacchan is seen fighting for his life while she is being saved by Kamui Woods, the number 8 hero.

My eyes widen when I see her limp body for a split second, and my body fills with fear. "I'm sorry sir, but I have to ensure she is safe!" I quickly ran out of the building with one thought in mind: y/n...

*Knock, knock, knock* "Please be home and safe." I fidget with my sleeve as the door opens. "Mrs. Lynn! Is y/n home?" (Lynn is your last name l/n)

"Yes, she's in her room. Please come in. She could use some comfort." I step inside, remove his shoes, and quickly make my way to her room.

"Y/n? Can I come in?" I knock on the door, softly. She quickly opens the door and pulls me inside for a hug. I close the door before tightly hugging her back. My chest starts to dampen as she holds me harder. My heart flutters. "You were so brave y/n. Don't ever forget that." I whisper in her ear as I loosen my grip. I kiss her head and slowly walk her to her bed making her sit. I stand in front of her squatting down to meet her eyes. "Y/n, please stop crying... It hurts my heart seeing you like this."

"Izuku, what would I do without you." She jumps into my arms again, this time with her head in the crook of my neck. I hug her back while my face turns a shade of red. After a few seconds, I picked her up and laid her down with me. Her warmth filled my heart and any stress that I had melted away.

Minutes pass and her breathing slows as she subconsciously cuddles into me. I move her hair watching her peacefully sleep on my chest. Her pretty face is stained with her tears. Thoughts flood my head as I realize what will happen tomorrow. Y/n... I thought. I will be back for you. Time will only tell when. I kiss her lips, claiming her. I hug her slightly and fall asleep holding her, ignoring the future that awaits.

The Light and Dark- Villain MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now