Who is Back?

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Entering the arena you notice four different areas. Your eyes sparkle as you look towards the forest area, an area you would like to train in. You turn to Bakugou who is standing between you and Kirishima. "Katsuki isn't this training gonna be so cool!"

"HUH?!" Katsuki's face begins to fume with anger. "WHEN DID I SAY YOU CAN CALL ME THAT?!" Katsuki makes small explosions near your figure.

You giggle as you put your hands up. "Relax Bakugou. It won't happen again."

Katsuki tsks and turns away mumbling. "Just call me Katsuki dumbass." You smile but don't say anything.

Aizawa begins to explain what is gonna happen in training today. Eraserhead and 13 are gonna watch over us while Aizawa assigns us to our location. Something flickers behind Aizawa. You nudge Katsuki's arm and point behind Aizawa. "Um, Katsuki. What is that?" Katsuki looks to where you mentioned trying to see what you see.

Aizawa overheard what you said and looks behind himself. His eyes widen as he grabs his scarf and faces the portal appearing. "Stay back students! Those are real villains." You step in front of Katsuki to get a better look.

More villains than you can count appear from the portal. Villains of different shapes and sizes begin to fill the center area, making everyone fearful. Six powerful people walk through the portal last, one of which caught your eye. Someone with green hair walked into the center area. You slowly back up, accidentally bumping into Katsuki. "Is that who I think it is?" Your voice cracks as you move your shaking hand to point at the person.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Katsuki protectively steps in front of you activating his quirk while Kirishima stands next to you, ready for any fight. Katsuki mumbles to the green-haired person, "Deku. I swear if that is you I'm gonna murder you for putting Scout through that pain."

Just as Aizawa jumps into action your mind goes blank as you watch, who you believe is your missing childhood crush, Izuku Midoriya stares into the group of students. You feel his eyes on you as your body begins to go heavy.

"Y/n?! Hey! Dude, stay awake! Bakugou would kill us if anything happened to you." You faintly hear Kirishima's voice as everything goes black. You feel something warm wrap around you while your dreams haunt you.

The Light and Dark- Villain MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now