The Wait is Over

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"No dear. We are not proving we are villains. We are proving a point." Midoriya cups your face, still wiping any extra tears that fall. "We are proving that these so-called heroes are just as bad as they deemed us, and by getting rid of them, the world will be a better place." Midoriya pulls your face to his, merely a few centimeters apart. "Together we can go back to how we were. Best friends. Lovers. Everything can go back to normal."

Your lips are moments away from touching when you pull away. "I'm sorry Midoriya. The only way we can go back to being best friends is if you leave this world and join me." You slightly back away from Midoriya, grabbing the blanket from earlier and putting it in your lap. "No matter what you do to me, even if it's carving something else into me," you raise your arm as an example. "I will not break. Nothing will change my views about staying a hero. Not even you." You look strongly into Midoriya's eyes, meaning every word.

"Oh Doll. I have my ways of breaking you. You have been my best friend since we were little." Midoriya sits up so he is taller than you. He crawls closer to you and grabs the blanket. "I know that every day you and Kacchan went searching for me." Midoriya crawls closer to you, almost sitting on your lap. "You were the only person who truly wanted to search for me. You had to beg Kacchan to go along with you"

Midoriya leans towards your face. You shake your head, leaning away from him. "That's... that's..."

"That is, what? Please tell me, Doll? Are you gonna tell me that is a lie?" Midoriya crawls back onto your lap and wraps you in the blanket. He pulls your face towards his, speaking softly. "Do not try lying to yourself. Just let me ... embrace you~." Midoriya's lips slowly meet yours in a soft tender kiss. You lean into the kiss moving your hands to his shirt. Midoriya's hands make their way to your hair lightly pulling and tugging as the kiss continues. Everything stayed soft and tender until Midoriya broke the kiss.

"Doll~" He kisses you again. "You are never leaving me." Midoriya deepens the kiss, grabbing your hair harder. You move your arms to support yourself before pulling away from Midoriya.

"Wait... Midoriya." You gasp between every word. "I can't. This is just another one of your plans to get me to stay with you."

Midoriya lightly pulls your hair, forcing you to look at him. "Doll, I may be classified as a villain but I will not play with you. I have been waiting a very long time to feel your lips again."

"Wait, what do you mean by again?" You hold the blanket tighter around you as Midoriya pulls you onto his lap.

"Do not worry about that, Doll." Midoriya plays with your hair, allowing you to drift into a dreamless slumber.

The Light and Dark- Villain MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now