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You wake up to someone knocking on the door. The warmth underneath you slightly moves before a groan is heard.

"Morning kid." Hawks' voice fills the room. His hand meets your head, lightly petting you. "Your teachers should be here." You sit up and find that you fell asleep on Hawks' leg. You rub the sleep from your eyes and slowly stand up. When you look around, you find Hawks already at the door allowing your teachers inside.

"Young Scout!" All Might was the first teacher to see you. He walks over to you and pets your head. "We are glad to see you. Do not fear anymore, student. You are safe."

"Y/n?!" Katsuik's voice makes your head turn. He comes running to your aid, wrapping his arms tightly around you. "Oh thank god."

Your eyes widen and tears threaten to slip. "Katsuki." You hug him back and dig your head into his chest. His warmth makes you feel safe and secure. Never once did you or Katsuki break the hug. You both held each other ignoring everything else that was going on around you. You never heard the teachers talk but before Katsuki hugged you you saw them talking.

"Thank you, again, Hawks." Aizawa's voice fills the area followed by Hawks chuckling. "Please stop by the school sometime this week." Aizawa lowers his voice so you cannot hear him. "I would like to discuss her injuries when you found her and how they have healed. We have already confirmed a drug on the knife that went through her."

"Sure thing, Eraserhead." Hawks looks back at you. "Make sure you keep a close eye on her. Villain Deku seemed to have wanted to do more than just kidnap her." Hawks turns back to Aizawa. "At the moment she has four injuries. Two from the knife, one on her arm, and one on her collarbone."

Aizawa nods his head. "Thank you. Once you arrive at U.A., we will make sure to update you on everything."

"Y/n, thank god you're back." Katsuki rubs your back and lightens his grip. "You are not allowed to leave my side when training, okay?" Katsuki pulls slightly away to look at your face.

You nod your head and lean into Katsuki's warmth. After a minute or two Katsuki breaks the hug and leads you toward Aizawa. Aizawa bows once more to Hawks. All Might says something to Hawks and walks out the door with his signature smile.

Aizawa looks at you with relief. "Scout. Glad to see you back.

The Light and Dark- Villain MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now