My, Oh, No.

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"You are the only one who keeps me- ... What is this~?" Deku's hand makes its way under the blanket to your glowing right hand. You try your hardest to stay still and unconscious-like. He turns your hand in every way shape and form you can think of. "Hmm... This adds another incredible feature to my Doll but in the long run, this adds another problem."

He drops your hand with enough force for it to bounce. You can't stay still much longer. Your injuries are growing in pain. You listen as his boots walk around the room. The pain in your head returns as he comes to a loud stop. Your body flinches. Shit...

"Doll. Even when you are unconscious your body is still responsive." His footsteps get closer before a dent in the bed is felt. He rolls you over to face him. Your body tenses as he pulls you towards him. "You must be close to waking up. Your body is so responsive right now." He sets your head on his thigh as he examines your body. "Such power in such a tiny body." His finger brushes through your hair. Not a word was said, but you grew more aware of the situation.

Minutes pass. You have no idea how you have fooled him for this long. "Doll." His hand rests atop your head. His voice sounds disappointed. "What did those heroes do to your mind?" You feel Deku move out from underneath you. His footsteps getting further away. You hear a key. The door opens, then shuts quickly. Another key is heard and the door locks.

You wait until his footsteps are far enough away before opening your eyes. You sit up slowly, trying not to make your headache worse. You examine the room.

The room is dark. Too dark. You slowly make your way off the bed, walking to the center of the room. The light in your right hand has dimmed making it almost impossible to see. You walk over to the closet and begin searching. Though, without a strong light searching wasn't easy. You drifted your right hand over most of the interior but found nothing but clothes.

"He moved his weapons." You move away from the closet and carefully reach the bathroom door. You slowly turn the knob. The handle stayed in the same spot, never turning. "They must be in the bathroom now. Damnit." You look at your right hand. The light is almost gone. Footsteps are heard again this time much faster. You freeze as you hear a key. The door opens and Deku's silhouette is seen.

"Doll! Good morning." He shuts the door leaving the only light in the room your hand. "What a wonderful feeling knowing that you are awake." You hear a click. "I think something needs to be done about your little escape." Deku's giggle echoes through the room. The room went pitch black as the power in your hand died out.

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