Never Answer

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You awaken to the sound of Midoriya yelling. You remember the events of yesterday and carefully sit up. The room is still pitch black but your eyes have started to adjust. His footsteps are heard closing in on the room. He opens the door mumbling to himself before looking at you.

"Good morning Doll." He locks the door and points his knife at your figure. "You have about three fucking seconds to explain everything."

You carefully stare at Midoriya, glancing at the knife every now and then. "I'm sorry, but I don't understand. Ex-explain what?" You feel his demeanor change as giggles echo off the wall.

"Maybe I should explain Doll. Do you know what has been going on with your wounds and scars when you sleep? Hmm?" His smile can be heard with every word. "Every fucking time your precious mind falls asleep, every fucking wound, scar, and mark that I have made on you STARTS TO GLOW!" His rage can be heard with every word, though he stays away from you.

"I... I don't know what you are talking about. What do you mean by 'glow'?" Panic fills your body as Midoriya's figure disappears. "M-Midoriya?"

A knife flies by your head hitting the wall. Your body flinches and Midoriya appears directly in front of you. His hand makes its way to your hair, entangling his fingers. "You don't know? You don't know?" His grip tightens. "Oh Doll. I told you, three fucking seconds to give me an answer. Times up." Midoriya stands up and grips your neck. He detangles himself and pulls you along by the neck. Midoriya makes his way to the main room where everyone else is minus Dabi. Katsuki is no longer chained up but his eyes widen as he watches Midoriya's hold on your neck.

You hear Shigaraki cough. "Now that Deku is here, time to answer our questions." Dabi walks into the room with a needle containing a white liquid. Your eyes widen as he passes it to Midoriya.

"Thank you, Dabi." Midoriya turns to Katsuki with the needle in hand. "Now, the two of you need to figure out an answer together. What is causing Scout to glow?" Bakugou looks at you for an answer and you only stare back.

"It's a quirk, Deku. Quirks can grow on their own." Katsuki slowly looks at Midoriya. Midoriya growls. His mouth opens but is interrupted by knocks on the door.

"Hello? I've got a pizza delivery here." Every person in the room looks at the door with a dumbfounded look. Midoriya's grip on you tightens as Spinner stands up.

Out of nowhere, All Might smashes through the wall with his signature, "SMASH!" sending the villain flying to the back wall. The fight begins.

The Light and Dark- Villain MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now