A New Awakening

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You roll around in the warm softness you are laying in. You can hear all sorts of sounds and muffled voices but you focus on finding any way to make the pain stop. Your head is pounding, your stomach growling, and a new pain is in your abdomen. You hear a door opening as you try to open your eyes. Once you hear the door lock you finally open your eyes, ever so slightly. But, ever so slightly was enough for you to see a familiar person with his head on the door.

You slowly begin to sit up, causing him to quickly snap his attention to you. You close your eyes as you sit up, trying to soothe your headache as it became stronger.

"Doll! You are finally awake! Oh, I have missed you so much!" Warm arms wrap around you. You reopen your eyes to see Izuku Midoriya digging his face into your neck.

"Midoriya?" You stutter as you try to move him off of you. This only resorted to him moving closer to you.

"I cannot wait to get started with you." He moves one of his hands and grabs something out of his pocket. "Please do not move too much, Love. This will help you feel better." He moves your white hair away from your neck and injects a needle. You tense as you feel the liquid being pushed into your neck. You relax as instant relief in your head and abdomen settles in.

"Do you feel better? Any other pain?" Midoriya sits back and looks at your still-sleepy figure.

"I'm fine, but I'm hungry" is all you can mutter out. You couldn't muster enough strength to say anything else as you look into Midoriya's eyes. Everything about them is different. The way he looks at you, the normal look in his eyes, everything about them has turned shades darker.

He smiles at you, his eyes looking more crazed than earlier. "All the fun can start today! How about we do something fun?! We can train? Go on missions? Continues where we left off about 2 years ago?" Midoriya gets off the bed and walks over to the closet. "How about for today, and only today, you can pick what we do, after you eat."

"I... I can pick? What do you mean?" You begin to slowly make your way out of bed, careful to not make another headache.

Midoriya turns his head, a smirk plastered all over his face. "Oh~? What do I mean?" Midoriya stops what he is doing and walks back to you. He gently grabs your throat and slightly pulls you to him. He growls in your ear, "I want you to pick what we do today before your life is decided by me."

Your eyes begin to flood with fear as Midoriya's face fills with excitement. "Are you ready, Doll?!"

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