One Last One

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"Once master wins this fight, everything will be set." Midoriya turns you around and hugs you from behind. His mouth finds your ear. "And once this drug wears off... You can say goodbye to your 'friends'."

"What do you mean, Midoriya?" You grab his wrist and twist out of his hug, your torso facing his. "I can say goodbye?"

He grabs your wrist and squeezes with a smile. "Yes! You can say goodbye! I mean, I am the only person you will ever need." He pulls you back into a hug, and this time his hands find their way to the small of your back, holding on tightly. Midoriya swiftly picks you up and moves you to his right side, still holding onto you tightly. "Bakugou."

Though you cannot see him, the wind that passed by you states he was trying to grab hold of you. You take a quick look around. Some of the villains are leaving through a portal. Your friends are nowhere to be seen. All Might is still fighting for his life.

"... Let! ... Deku! ... Happened? ... Hero?" Your head snaps up, almost hitting Midoriya's chin. Luckily he didn't seem to notice.

"What happened, Bakugou? I will show you what happened!" Midoriya turns you around and holds your face still. "When has a hero ever saved Y/n quick enough?"

Bakugou looks like he's about to explode. As his mouth moves, some of the voices match his movement. "... Because. ... Strong! ... Not. ... You."

Midoriya wraps his right leg around yours, leaning onto you for extra support. "Oh, I know that I am not at fault for the hero's tardiness."

Your left leg harshly steps out, catching yourself and Midoriya from falling. "Then who is Midoriya? The reason heroes can never get here fast enough? They work their asses off finding the quickest route to a fight. I would know that best."

Midoriya laughs. "You would know best?" Midoriya spins you around facing him. The voices have mostly cleared away, though you still can't hear others directly. From behind Midoriya, you see your friends readying for something. Something they can't mess up. "Doll, as I can remember, only one government-named hero has saved you. Only you and I have saved you."

You see ice form. It's now or never, y/n. You grab Midoriyas face and pull him into a kiss.

The Light and Dark- Villain MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now