Times Ticking: Weeks Later

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You wake up in a dark room. You can feel the warmth of a person and everything clicks. You're still kidnapped. :| But, today marks the day when that is gonna change. You have been gaining everyone's trust in the L.O.V. to the point where no one questions anything except Midoriya. Thankfully for you, you have been training on rebuilding your quirk. After being drugged by Midoriya, your quirk was much harder to control, leading you to sometimes black out. Midoriya was always watching you whenever you used your quirk.

Sometimes after missions, you would be training and hear the L.O.V. walk in. Someone would scream for you and in return, you would come running. Every time you got called someone was injured. You worked on using the flower method and allowing it to grow. Not only did it heal one person but it healed whoever the seeds landed on. The only exception was you. You were waiting to heal your body so you kept the seeds far away from you.

When healing, the seeds would slip out of the building and fly into the air. You were working on growing distance for your quirk. When the wind sounded high, you would produce more dandelions outside in hopes someone would see them. So far, no luck.

You slither out of bed and make your way to the broken closet. You grab your training outfit and walk to the bathroom. You take a quick shower, get changed, and walk out to the main area. Kiroguri was there making breakfast.

"Hello, Scout." Kiroguri never looked up from cooking.

"Hello, Kiroguri." You quietly sit down at the counter. "Do you mind if I eat now? I need to work on training again today."

Kiroguri nods his head and grabs a plate. "You may eat now but may I ask why you are training so much?"

You took a silent deep breath and began explaining. "After missions, you guys always come back injured. I want to find a way to make an object or a flower that will stay with you guys without fading away. I tried it last time with Midoriya but no luck." Kiroguri sets a plate and fork in front of you. You dig into the food.

"That indeed sounds intriguing. Do you know the distance you can use your quirk until there is no power?" Kiroguri turns around to face you.

You cover your mouth and shake your head. "No, sir. But I plan on figuring it out soon."

Kiroguri focuses back on cooking but says one last thing. "I sure hope this is not some trick, Scout. We all enjoy your company, especially after rough missions."

"I promise you, I am just trying to help." At that, you remove yourself from the main room.

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