No More Waiting

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"Stand up. I would rather not have to find another Doll." The light shining on her brings out all the new marks I had left on her body. I lean against the door frame and watch her fragile body fight to stand up. As much as I want her, she needs to learn. She wobbles over holding her arm, hatred written all over her face.

"I'm here, what do you want?" Her voice is quiet, almost scared-like. I cannot control myself much longer. I hold back my smile and motion her into the bathroom. I pick her up and set her on the counter.

"Do not move, Doll." I walk out of the room, locking the door. I make my way out of the bedroom and walk into the main room where Bakugou is being kept. Muffled yells are heard from his direction but I ignore them. "Kiroguri, I need the bandages and wound cleaner shit."


"Give me one second, Deku." Kiroguri turns around. I stare at Bakugou.

"What's wrong Bakugou? Can't save your little friend?" I smirk as I watch him grow pissed. I sigh and lean on the counter. "You know, if you two would just listen and do as you are told, these days would have gone by so much faster." I chuckle as Kiroguri sets down the items. I picked them up and thanked Kiroguri. Turning back to Bakugou, I add, "Poor little y/n. How long can she go without breaking this time?" I giggle as I walk back to our room.

Back in the bathroom, Doll sits with her head on her knees. She does not even move when I lock the bathroom door. "Doll, love. Give me your arm." She slowly moves her arm. Blood still drips from the wound. I quickly clean it and wrap it. "Head up Doll. Let me see your neck." She slowly lifts her head. Her eyes are glazed over. I pull her to the edge of the counter and clean her neck. "What have we learned?"

Her eyes lazily stare into mine. Even when she is on the counter, she is still shorter than me. "That you're a psychotic bastard who won't stop even though I can't love you."

Oh?~ Hahahaa! Blood loss makes her obedient. I clear my throat, "No, Doll. We learned to not run away after I worked so hard to get you here." I cup her cheeks and lean in. "Why can you not be like this all of the time? If you stay here with me, everything will be how it used to be."

"No..." Her left-hand grips my shirt as she keeps herself up. "You are not proving that heroes are just as bad as everyone calls you." Her grip tightens as she closes her eyes. "Since when have the villains ever won, Mid... Midoriya?" She opens her eyes, trying to look into mine.

I pull her into a light kiss. "Since now, Doll. Since now." Her neck begins to bleed again, ever so slightly. "Heroes have yet to do anything to save you, Doll. You escaped by yourself last time, right?" I wipe the blood and lick it off my finger. Color is starting to come back to her face.

"That... That doesn't mean anything, Midoriya. I saved you all the time as... as kids and we were only six." She pulls her body closer to mine and wraps her legs around my waist. Her head falls heavily onto my shoulder. "We were only kids..."

I sigh and run my finger through her unbrushed hair, detangling it as I speak. "We were small kids with big imaginations, y/n-san. But we grew up to realize what the world is really like."

I feel her breath hit my neck as she speaks. "And now that we are grown, we can change the world to be what we saw it as." Her voice was barely a whisper. "Remember when we played All Might versus the villain?"

I entangle my fingers in her hair making sure she cannot sense my anger. "Hmm, sure I do. It was on the playground. We played many rounds of that game."

Her arms lightly wrap around me. "Every time, even when the odds were not on the hero's side, whoever was All Might, always won. No matter what." My hand tightens in her hair. I open my mouth to respond but she speaks up. "Eventually, love, you can become... Fulfill an old dream with me."

No words form. She passed out on me, in a bathroom. She... "Y/n-san. You are so much farther away from breaking than I thought." I hug her tight before bringing her to our bed. "Oh, my dear, you were so close to breaking before you left."

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