Time to Hide

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"Sorry that mission took so long, Mr. Compress." I walk through the main door with the rest of the league trouting behind. I look around the main area to see Mr. Compress passed out on the couch. "Compress?" My voice came out more annoyed than I would have liked but I pushed forwards anyway.

Toga makes her way to Compress. Once she touches his arm she freezes and passes out as well. "Alright Deku, what the hell did your doll do?" Dabi's voice echoes through the room as I slowly walk to Toga. In Mr. Compress' hand is a calming flower. The same flower y/n learned to make while she was here.

"Where is Doll?" I quickly ran to our room. The door is open, the closet door is open, and clothes are missing. I hear the shower running and throw the door open. No one is there. I run back out to the main area. "What the hell happened here?! Dammit!" My head begins to spin as Shigaraki takes a closer look at the flower. "How the fuck did she get out?! I made sure to keep her quirk at low power." My voice was almost a scream.

"Deku now is not the time to be screaming over your doll." Shigaraki removed his father and went to the counter. "As long as that wound is still there, she'll be easy to re-capture."

I look at Shigaraki. "What the hell do you mean? If she escaped with the wound, what makes you think she will just be weak?"

Shigaraki rolls his eyes. "You're Deku. One of the strongest, most wanted villains in the L.O.V.. Figure it out." Shigaraki looks at Toga and Compress and shakes his head. "Next time she's here we need a different plan when we go out on missions. Mr. Compress wouldn't have just accepted the flower so it must have grown over time.

"God dammit. Why is she so fucking smart?" I rest my arms on the counter. "Kiroguri, I need my normal." Thoughts circle my head as I ignore everything else in the room. Kiroguri sets my drink down and I quickly drink it. "Shigaraki, when is the next attack?"

"In about a week, maybe two." I can feel his eyes glaring into my head as I slowly look at my empty glass. "You play a main character in the next mission. If you are planning to take her again, you need to finish your role."

"I know, I know. Just let me do my job then afterward, do not interfere unless I say." I look at the league. "If anyone gets the chance to grab her before my role is over, grab her, by any means necessary."

I quickly walk back to our room and begin to search for everything Doll took. The only thing that was missing from my part of the closet was one of my button-ups. Her favorite leggings were also missing.

"What an interesting choice of clothing to wear when escaping."

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