Pro Hero Hawks

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"Hey, headquarters? I found the missing girl." I walk into my room and look around for a washed blanket.

"You what? Which missing girl?"

"I believe her name is Y/n. She goes by Scout." I grab an unused blanket and send a feather out to her with the blanket. "One-second boss. I'm connecting you to my headset." I walk out to the living room and sit on the couch next to the small girl. "I'm not gonna plaster you with questions but are you okay? Have you eaten anything?"

Her eyes begin to water and she quickly hides her face in her knees. I lift her face and open my arms to her. She slowly wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me tight.

"Thank you, Hawks. We have teachers on their way to come get her. Make sure she stays awake for the time being." My boss hung up so I removed my headset and set it on the couch.

"Come on kid. Let's check for wounds. Are you okay with that?" I feel her nod her head against me. I slowly make my way to the bathroom and set her down on the counter. "Are there any injuries I need to know of?" Her body freezes and her eyes look in every direction but mine. I move her hair away from her face and lightly lift her chin to look at me. "Hey, Kid, I'm not gonna hurt you. I am here to make sure any injury on you is healed. Would you like to help?" I tried to make my voice as soothing as possible. I let go of her chin as she looked me in the eyes.

She waits a moment before saying, "I've got four." Her whispers fill the silent bathroom. "Two from being stabbed, one on my arm and another here." The small girl moves her hair and shirt to show a deep bite mark on her collarbone.

"Hmm... I think I have something for this but it's gonna sting. Have you tried healing your wounds with your quirk?" She slowly nods her head, almost disappointed.

"I tried everything but with my stab wound, my body won't heal anything. It's waiting till this one is healed." She lifts her shirt to show me a semi-healed stab wound. A nasty scab is covering part of the wound while the other half is healed. In the mirror, you can see her back. It's clear the knife went into her back. Dry blood covers the wound. Around the wound there are scratches. Some of which look like they happened only yesterday.

"Do not fear any longer, kid. Your teachers are on their way. Once you get to U.A., the nurse can quickly heal these up." I watch her smile before her head lightly hits my shoulder. I tap her arm. Nothing. No movement. Just the sound of her breathing. "Alright kid, let's clean these wounds and get you somewhere more comfortable."

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