Day One Of Hell

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Your vision begins to blur as Midoriya slightly pulls you closer. At this point, you can feel his breath on your lips. "Come on, Love~. What. Are. We. Doing. Today?" Your body trembles as his breath hovers over your lips.

"H... How about... we take it easy today?" You manage to back up as your heart rises in speed.

"Take it easy?" Midoriya sounds out each word as if he has never heard those three words altogether. His grip on you loosens. "What do you mean 'take it easy'?"

"I mean," you stutter as you sit on the bed. "How about a day where we just relax?" You can see Midoriya's thoughts spilling out of his head as he tilts his head, staring at you. All you can do is think for now. You don't know how powerful Midoriya has gotten but after what happened to your abdomen you know he is more powerful than he was two years ago.

"I... I guess we can relax for one day." He crosses his arms and thinks while you grab a blanket and wrap yourself up. You slowly make your way to the middle of the bed, making sure not to disturb his thoughts. He gasps before jumping on the bed and crawling on top of you. "You want to rest so you will have more strength to fight back tomorrow?!"

You try to move your back closer to the wall but Midoriya has you trapped underneath him. "Ehhh? Um... No, not exactly what I meant." You hug the blanket tighter around yourself. "What, um, exactly do you mean by 'fighting back'." Midoriya only laughs before plopping down on your lap, wrapping his legs around your waist. You move your hands out of the blanket and support yourself from falling onto the wall. His hands make their way to your face as he gently examines all your features. Your body shakes and you close your eyes.

You vision yourself back at home, training with your friends. You remember everything Aizawa taught you after school. The extra physical training with Aizawa has helped your strength a lot. If only you had that strength right now. You could be fighting and escaping this villain but instead, you are sitting on a bed with him on your lap treating you like a pet.

"Doll, open your eyes. I am not gonna hurt you." You slowly open your eyes and reality snaps back. His right hand is still on your face while his left hand is playing with your long hair. "Ah, such an obedient, Doll." His thumb rubs your cheek as he continues to play with your hair. "I wish every day could be like this but I know you are only relaxed because of your abdomen."

You look into his eyes, searching. Everything you knew about him has changed. You're starting to understand that maybe the past is not what everyone made it to be.

"Midoriya?" His attention snaps to your eyes. He responds with a hum. "What happened the day you went missing?"

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