Ticking Time Bomb

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"Oh, my sweet Doll. This time nothing will go wrong." Your hand presses against the wall. You search for anything that you could use. Nothing...

You slowly walk around the room avoiding the direction of his voice. "Doll~ There is nowhere for you to go! Be a dear and just... Follow my directions. Be a good Doll and submit to me. There is no reason for you to be such a nuisance. Unless you want two punishments today!" Deku's giggles fill every corner of the room. You crouch and cover your ears, avoiding another spike in pain. As his giggles die down you notice two boots right in front of you.

"Shit..." Deku crouches down and harshly grabs your face, forcing you to somewhat look at him. You let out a noise from moving your head too fast.

"Doll, I have grown since you ran away. The darkness does not bother my eyes anymore." His voice was soft but his tone was toying. "From now on, my love," His other hand slithers around your neck. "Your entire life will be dependent on me. Everything you do will need permission." His hand leaves your neck. The sound of metal is heard from Deku.

"What is your obsession with me Deku?" You whisper.

"Hmm... Already using a bad word, are we? I will let that one slide but never again." Deku lets go of your face and grabs your hands. He pulls you to a stand and pushes you against the wall, locking you in place. "Now, my obsession with my pretty little Doll?" He pauses. His breath made its way to your neck as his hand holds yours tighter above your head. "Everything about you my Doll. Your warmth. The way you release all of my stress is just by looking at you. The way you subconsciously cuddle into me. Your lips. Your neck. Your skin. Everything my love. Everything."

His body is now flesh against yours, his head looking down on you. "I fucking hate you." You state. "Nothing will change that." Deku only giggles.

"You say that now, but you do not truly mean it. You loved me once, you will always love me deep down." You hear the metal once again. "But... You did run away from me." A sharp pain is felt in your right arm. You let out a scream as Deku cackles. "And this pretty arm can control both powers now." He pulls out the knife, putting it up to your throat. You feel a mixture of the cold metal and the warm liquid dripping down your neck. Your eyes fill with water as you try to ignore the pain. "Aw, I wish you could see yourself right now. You look like a baby deer trying to put up a fight against a lion."

You squirm under Deku's hold. "I will escape again. You know my body adapts to your stupid drugs quickly."

The knife slices your throat, stopping you from continuing. The sound of metal hitting the ground echoes through the room as a hand covers your mouth. "Anything else, my love?"

Silence. You hold your breath.

"No? Good." Deku lets go of you. You hit the ground with a *thud*. You don't know what to grab or what to do. Deku's boot makes its way to your chin forcing you to look up at him. His red eyes shine in the darkness. "Maybe I should just keep the amount of blood in your body to a minimum. Would that make you listen?"

Your breath comes out harsh. "I won't listen. I am not as weak and fragile as I was last time."

You could practically feel Deku roll his eyes. His footsteps echo in the room. "Yes, yes, whatever you say Doll. At the moment your words do not match what you look like." A door unlocks and light shines into the room. "Stand up. I would rather not have to find another Doll."

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