The End is Coming

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At first, he shows no reaction. Seconds pass, and he gives into the kiss, quickly deepening it. You let a few moments pass before breaking it, deeply out of breath. "I'm sorry, Midoriya. I guess you are right about... Me only being saved by a hero once."

His smiles deepen before softening. "Of course I am right, my love. I have been right about everything so far." You step away with your head down. He must have noticed it by now. Now you can only hope everything goes right.

"Come on!" Kirishima's voice echoes through the air. As the wind from Bakugou pushes everyone back, a water rope wraps around you, pulling you up to your classmate Murai.

Midoriyas voice fills your mind. "Doll. Fly back down to me." Light-matter wings begin to form on your back, only for something cold to hit your back.

"No worries, babes! Luckily I have plenty of water to keep part of your quirk down!" Her signature smile fills her face as she pulls you closer to the friend group.

"... Swear! ... NO! ... no. ... This. ... Happening? ..."

A sigh of relief escapes your lips as you finally grab hold of Katsukis hand. He pulls you up and tightens his grip. Parts of Midoriya's frustration can still be heard in your head. "Doll. ... Leaving? ... Again. ... Again! ... Be. ... Not!"

"Glad you have you back, Scout!" Kirishima chuckles as we near the ground. A giant wind pushes us further away. You look back to see Mountain Lady laying on the ground, holding her nose. "Hang on, guys! This is gonna be a rough landing."

Just as Kirishima said, the landing sent everyone tumbling. Bakugou pulls you into a tight hold as the four of you go tumbling. "Is everyone alright?" Iida speaks up, quickly brushing off some dirt.

"Of course we are. dumbass." Katsuki allows you to stand first. Your head is spinning, but you push through.

"Right, I'm good as well. We should probably get far away from here, though." Kirishima looks back from where we came. "Let's go. We can blend in with the crowd. We'll have to hide Scout a little bit more, though."

The rest of the group nods their head before taking off away from the fight. You take off with them trailing right behind Murai. A minute passes. Your vision is covered by blurred dots, and your empty stomach begins to hurt. "Katsuki," you call out, your voice nothing more than a whimper.

"Right behind you, Scout." You come to a stop. You place one hand on your stomach and one on your knee to keep yourself from falling. Katsuki stops right next to you. "Come on, Scout. We have to get further away."

"I can't anymore." Half of your vision fades. The footsteps of others fill your ears.

"Everything alright?" Iida spoke.

Katsuki's back fills your vision. "Jump on. We have to keep going. If you pass out, you pass out." You wrap your arms around his neck and jump onto his back. "Hold on tight, Scout. We are getting everyone to a safe spot."

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