Blood, Blood, and Blood

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"Scout, are you okay?" Kirishima quickly comes to your aid as you collapse into his arms. You take deep breaths and watch as your vision became blurred again.

"Everything is blurry," you mumble as you try to stand up. Kirishima looks at Bakugou who overheard everything. Bakugou looks at the knife trying to see if anything was on it. Suddenly a portal appears around the three of you and Kirishima holds onto you tighter.

When everything clears you are fighting to stay awake while Kirishima holds you up. Katsuki stands in front of you and Kiri, ready to fight.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. I thought you would be stronger than this. I guess not everyone can handle drugs." A familiar voice fills the air as Katsuki fumes with rage.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT DEKU!?!" Katsuki yells as Kirishima lightly lifts your head and looks into your eyes. Your pupils have decreased in size and your eyes can't seem to focus on anything.

"Bakugou, we need to get out of here. She can only fight this for so long." Kirishima picks you up and places you on his back, securing you with his 'pants cape.' (I don't know the word, apologies! Look up a picture of his hero outfit if you are confused) "I've got her secure for now but I can't do too much with her on me."

"Ugh, do you, heroes, ever stop and think for a moment?" Kirishima moves your arms around his neck as he prepares for an attack. Your skin feels extremely cold making him take a second look.

"What the hell?! Where is she!" Kirishima rips the fake 'you' off his back as he and Katsuki look around for the villain.

"Oh? You mean..." Deku walks into view holding you bridal style, your upper body held slightly tighter than the rest of your body. "Scout?" A smirk fills his face as Katsuki explodes with anger.

"You damn Deku! LET HER GO!" Explosions fill the sound as you try to get the world to focus. The person holding you has a familiar voice but you can't seem to focus on anything else. Katsuki's voice makes you turn your head toward the sound.

Something warm plants atop your head before you hear, "Don't worry, Doll. I'll make sure to clean you up. Just let yourself sleep. Everything will be just, okay." You don't listen and try your hardest to stay awake. You fail as you feel a pinch in your neck, "Hahaha! It's finally happening! After almost two years I get you back." The voices quickly die out as you fall into a drugged slumber.

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