Night One

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"Midoriya?" His attention snaps to your eyes. He responds with a hum. "What happened the day you went missing?"

Midoriya's eyes widen as he thinks. "I am sorry, Doll. That story is not something you are ready to hear. Here, eat this." Midoriya hands you a pop tart which you slowly grab and eat.

Your heart sinks as his words sink in. You know exactly what they mean. "I'm guessing you weren't... Really kidnapped... Were you?" Midoriya flinches at your words and crawls off your lap. He sits behind you and hugs you, pulling you onto him and taking your trash, and moving it onto the floor.

"I forgot how smart you are." He digs his face into the crook of your neck, taking in your scent. Your worst fear has become true. Everything the heroes told you. Everything the officers told you. Everything was a lie. "Please do not fear, Doll." Midoriya hugs you tighter. "You will understand eventually." Midoriya's voice became dark. His hold on you tightens, even more, making your headache start to grow. You can feel his smirk on your neck. Your body freezes as his words kick in.

You will understand eventually...

You gulp and try to move out of his grasp. "So, Midoriya... How about we-" His hand covers your mouth stopping your attempt.

"Ah, ah, ah." Midoriya coos as he sits you down on his lap. "You choose to relax today, and that is what we are gonna do." Midoriya lays you down next to him and lays on top of you. "A whole day of us doing nothing. Maybe if I have no plans for tomorrow we can continue where we left off." His hand finds its way back to your mouth. His other hand makes its way to your abdominal wound. His head lies on your chest. "Maybe, y/n. Just maybe."

You give in to the situation and wrap your arms around him, hoping that would get rid of some tension in your body. After a while, you finally start to notice Midoriya's breathing slow. His hand over your mouth becomes weak and falls off to the side. His other hand stays on your abdomen, almost like he's protecting the wound from everything.

The heat coming off Midoriya is comforting. Almost like the night he kept you company after the sludge monster attack. Everything about that night was perfect, minus the fact that Midoriya had up and left. You still don't know how to feel knowing that everything you have ever thought about what happened to him was false. Your thoughts kept going to one thought: Get the fuck out and tell everyone.

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