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The clock strikes 2 am and Scout is passed out in my room. I can't sleep. Her shoulder brings images to my head. Images that I wish to go away. I pace around my room as the sound of the AC kicks on.

"He's gonna be back," I mumble. I turn and look at Scout. "He's gonna be back for her. That is more than a bite. And her arm..." I freeze as y/n rolls onto her side. A slight groan leaves her lips. I look around my room before my eyes set on the window. I quickly make sure the window is locked then walk to the door. I whisper, "I promise I will be right back." Quietly, I leave my room and head toward her room. Something has to be in there. Something that everyone missed, including me.

I open her door and swiftly step inside. Her room has a small layer of dust covering almost everything. Normally I would clean this shit but I have to focus. Something in her room has to be out of place. I make my way to her desk.

Everything looks normal. Her gaming computer sits lifeless. The teachers have gone through it already so I'm not gonna waste my time searching. I search the rest of her desk before coming upon a journal. "What the?" I examine the journal's cover and find nothing out of the ordinary. I open to the first page with notes and begin reading.

Today is the first day of writing in the journal. Lessons are hard but slowly I am learning to control my powers.

" 'I am learning to control my powers?' Y/n only has one quirk. Maybe she's talking about controlling both light and dark at the same time."

Everything should start to make sense soon. Surely I will be able to control these powers quickly. Thanks to my mentor, I will be able to grow.

I stare blankly at the page. "This doesn't make sense." I re-read the page. Something has to stand out. She has never mentioned a journal or diary. I read the page over and over until something pops out.

"Is Aizawa the mentor or is this journal not hers?" My body freezes as a chuckle forms in my head. "She doesn't write like this. Deku does."

The Light and Dark- Villain MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now