The Past: Midday

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*"I'm sorry y/n. I haven't seen him since yesterday. I thought he was with you." What...? He didn't come home? Where is he?*

"I'm sorry Inko. I have to go. If he's not home by tonight, please stop by our home. My mom is modeling right now and she'll be home by dinner." You open the door and look outside. You never noticed how cloudy it was. "Be safe Inko!" You leave Inko's home and pick up your phone.

*Bring bring* *Bring bri-* "What do you want dumbass?" Katsuki's voice creates a wave of calmness for your mind.

"Have you seen Izuku? He was at my place yesterday but there's no trace of him even being there." You begin to walk toward Katsuki's house.

You hear Katsuki sigh. "Let's not talk over the phone dumbass. Just come over." Katsuki ends the call and you pick up your pace. You begin running to his house hoping and praying that you'll see Izuku along the way. Sadly, life doesn't work that way.

*Knock knock knock* "Katsuki? It's Scout..." You fidget your fingers waiting for any sound from the other side. Slowly the door opens and Katsuki quickly pulls you inside.

"What the hell are you doing outside without any shoes on?!" You look down at your feet, the coldness finally kicking in.

"I- uh. I guess I forgot to put them on..." You rub your arm and look at Katsuki. "Sorry... I-"

"Relax dumbass." Katsuki grabs your arm and pulls you all the way to his room. "I'll give you what you want only if you answer one question."

You sit on Katsuki's bed and grip your sleeves. "Mhmm..."

"Who's hoodie are you wearing and why did you come to my house wearing it?" Katsuki jabs his finger into your arm.

"What do you mean? This is my..." You pull the front of the hoodie revealing a green and black striped hoodie. "I don't know whose hoodie this is. It might be Izuku's. I've never seen it before but it looks like something he would wear."

Katsuki rolls his eyes before sitting down next to you. "Whatever. I said I'd give what you want if you answer so..." Katsuki opens his arms with a sulking face as you slowly turn your head towards him. Your eyes begin to water as you enter his embrace. You dig your face into his chest as your tears dampen his shirt. He 'tsk' before holding you tighter.

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