All Out

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It's been two hours and no one has returned home. You have been training with Mr. Compress waiting for the perfect moment to strike. A few missions back, Mr. Compress's arm had been brutally injured and Mr. Compress asked you to try something.

You rest your head on Mr. Compress's shoulder and yawn. "I'm sorry I couldn't fix it all the way. I hope I helped with the pain."

Mr. Compress pats your head and sighs. "It is quite alright dear. Thank you for trying. I will clean up this area. How about you go clean up and go to sleep?" You move your head as he stands up. He holds his hand out and helps you stand. "I shall inform Deku of your progress." You nod and walk to your room. You close the door and make your way to the bathroom. You start the shower and swiftly walk to the closet. You change into leggings and one of Midoriya's long-sleeve button-up. You tuck the right side again, leaving the left side loose.

"Okay..." You look through Midoriya's half of the closet. None of his weapons are here. You leave the closet and make your way to the door. You look once more into the room making sure you grabbed everything. One wrong move and another knife will end up in you somehow. You open it quietly and make your way to the main area. With no one in sight, you summon a dark-matter snake. He slithers out the door and makes a quick search of the area. When you get the all-clear from the snake you quickly head out the door. The moment you step out the door, you create dark matter angel wings. You pick up your snake and fly up into the air.

"I'm free!" You whisper as the outside air hits your face. Your snake becomes a part of your wings as you head far away from the L.O.V. base. You fly for what seems like five minutes before you spot a fight. You quickly turn away and fly in the other direction. A fight is not what you need.

After flying for about twenty minutes, you spot a pro hero walking his patrols. You know exactly who he is as soon as you see his big red wings. "Hawks!" You breathe a sigh of relief as you make your descent. You don't have the best control over your wings so you stumble as you land. "Hawks! Please help me!" Your energy has drained and you collapse to your hands and knees. Your wings fade as Hawks come running to your side, using his feathers to help you stand up. "Please... Help me..."

"Kid, what happened?" Hawks picks you up and looks closely at your face. "Wait, I know who you are. Don't worry kid. I'll keep you safe." You dig your face into the crook of his neck. Hawks holds you tight as he takes flight into the night. "Kid, try to stay awake, okay?"

You nod your head into his neck and wrap your arms around him. "I'll try, sir."

Hawks' speed quickens and a few moments later, he lands on a balcony. He walks into the building and sets you down on the couch. "Stay here kid. I'm gonna get headquarters on call." Hawks pets your head and walks out of the room, leaving you in the living room alone.

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