^ Never Again ^

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"Which one, Doll.~" Midoriya's knife gracefully moved between his fingers while his eyes stabbed into yours.

Frightened you stutter, "What do you mean?" You continue to hold yourself up with the wall. Your arms are the only bit of strength left in your body. After being drugged an hour ago, the pain went away but your body was still weak.

Midoriya cackles and takes a step toward you. "I mean, which one do you want carved into that pretty skin of yours?" Your body freezes.

"What the hell?! You're gonna carve me?!" Your eyes scan his to see if there is any sign of him lying but, everything he said is true. He only had one intention at the moment and that was to carve something onto you.

"I am gonna do more than that if you do not choose which one you want carved." Midoriya takes another step toward you, making your brain think quickly.

"Name! Name." You sputter out. "You can... Carve your name." Midoriya slowly walks up to you, excitement in his eyes, almost like he was hoping you would say his name.

"Wonderful~" he cooed. "Now, do not scream unless you want more than one punishment." Midoriya grabs your left wrist and pulls up your sleeve. You closed your eyes as the knife penetrates your skin, biting your tongue to keep quiet. Midoriya only giggles as he finished writing his name. " 'Izuku.' All done, Doll. You are such a good listener." You open your eyes to see trickles of blood running down your arm and onto the floor. Normally this wouldn't bother you but since you know how it happened, your stomach dropped.

No words formed from your mouth, only small noises as Midoriya cleans the wound, making sure it still leaves a scar. Once he's finished, he wraps your arm and drags you out of the bathroom. "Midoriya?" Midoriya stops and turns his head waiting for you to continue. You look down at the floor and speak. "What happened to being a hero?" Your voice cracks as your eyes fill with sadness. You hear Midoriya sigh. He lets go of your wrist and lifts your head.

"If I told you that Doll, it would break you in a way that would hurt me." Midoriya cups your cheeks and leans down. "I want to break you in my own way. Not in a way that will crush your little heart." Midoriya's breath hits your nose and your heart flutters. His lips meet your nose and your face heats up. When he backs up, a faint smile is present before he turns back to the door. "I want to train with you. Once your quirk is no longer doing damage to you, I want to learn about the left side.

"After that, you can rest. If you disobey, another punishment will happen." Midoriya reaches his hand out to you with a mischievous smile. "Care to be a doll and walk with me?"

The Light and Dark- Villain MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now