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"Care to be a doll and walk with me?" Midoriya's smile didn't quite meet his eyes as you grab his hand. He unlocks the door and leads you down a hallway. The hallway was dark and empty with no one in sight. Midoriya walks slightly in front of you, pulling you along. Finally, Midoriya pulls you into another room and locks the door.

"Midoriya, what is going on?" You look around the room to find nothing but air. Midoriya walks deeper into the room and pulls out a weapon.

"I said I want to train with you." His smirk returns and he throws you a bow. "Seeing as I do not trust you to not stab me, and your arm has been prettied up, let us start with a bow."

You look at the bow. The string is poorly done, meaning you cannot use it with an arrow. Midoriya pulls out a knife and points it at your head. "Alright, Midoriya." You snap the string off the bow and break one end off the bow stick. "But, why did you give me a bow?"

Midoriya giggles and his pupils go small. "Let us see what you can do with a stick Doll. I have only ever watched you train. I have never been the one to train with you!" His excitement is written all over his face. You're worried your head will start to spin but quickly move to fight.

Midoriya makes the first move. He takes a couple steps toward you while you look around. On the ceiling are ropes and random things to grab onto. You scan the area around Midoriya. If you go around him, you might get caught. Midoriya jumps forward, knife in hand. You quickly use one of Ojiro's moves and use the stick as a tail and jump up to the ceiling. You swing to the other side of the room far away from Midoriya. You don't use sticks often but you know how to use one. You hold the stick in your right hand, hoping part of your quirk will work. You tighten your grip on the stick as Midoriya comes back for another attack.

You spin the stick in your hand, using it as a shield. Midoriya's knife comes flying toward you. You maneuver your stick to block the throwing knife. Once the knife is on the ground you grab the stick in both hands to block another attack. Midoriya's face meets yours as you kick a second knife out of his hand. You kick the stick into Midoriya's chest which pushes him back, only a little, but it's enough for you to dive-roll away from him. You look up to see Midoriya wiping his mouth and picking up your stick. Sadly, you lost it when pushing him away. His excitement is reaping off him. He turns towards you, giggling like a maniac.

"Doll~" he cooes. "Even without using your quirk, you are amazing." Your breathing becomes unsteady as you ready for another attack. You were unprepared as he throws a knife at the baggy park of your shirt, trapping your left arm to the wall. You go to pull the knife out but are met with another knife holding your right arm back. Midoriya walks up to you with amusement in his eyes. He leans down to your ear and whispers, "But yet... You were not strong enough to beat me." He giggles before kissing your nose again. "Tomorrow, I will not go so easy." He removes the knives and picks you up over his shoulder. "Back to our room, Doll."

The Light and Dark- Villain MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now