A Few More Hours

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"Deku, come out here!" Toga's voice is followed by knocks on my door. "Round one is about to start of the Sports Festival."

"I'm coming." My anger came out more than I would have liked. My speaking was not even proper. I have been working on a new drug that allows one to use their quirk on someone else's command. This time when Doll is here, she will not be able to do anything without command.

I walk out to the main area to see the students of U.A. plastered all over the tv. I hear Toga squeal as Ochaka is shown on screen. With the help of my quirk, I can easily make out the faces of the students. Bakugou is on stage saying something. His gaze changes and a smirk fills his face. I roll my eyes and begin searching for Doll. My gaze makes its way back to him and follows his gaze. My body freezes for a split second before rage fills my bones.

"Bakugou." I can feel multiple eyes staring at me. "If you want to kidnap anyone, make it Bakugou."

Shigaraki speaks up, "I was indeed thinking of him but why do you want him kidnapped?"

My annoyance begins to show. "He has a strong quirk and if I can get Doll, making him obey will be easy." Silence fills the room as round one begins. "I can wait a little longer before getting Doll. Kidnap them at the same time. It will give me more time to work on the drug."

Toga giggles, breaking the silence. "If we manage to get your Doll first, Bakugou will become so focused on saving her that he will become an easy target!"

Her face appears on-screen with Bakugou and a half-red half-white-haired boy. It looks like she's teasing Bakugou. Her signature smirk glows through the screen as she powers past Bakugou toward the finish line. Suddenly, she stops moving and closes her eyes. A set of wings start to form on her back.

"Is that how you escaped, Doll?" My whisper was heard throughout the room causing everyone to watch the tv. Once the wings are done, she opens her determined eyes and sets off toward the finish. She passes everyone again and takes the crown. "So, she has found a way for even more speed?"

"You may need to upgrade the drug again," Dabi spoke from behind me. Even if he annoyed me, he was speaking the truth.

"Damnit." I stand up and walk towards the bar after watching Doll take a bow. "If I would have known she could make wings, that night would have gone differently." Kiroguri makes my normal without a word. I turn to Dabi. "How much do you know about making drugs, or is there someone you know that can help?"

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