^ Strike One ^

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Midoriya's aura fills the room, making you turn to fight or flight. Luckily for you, Aizawa taught you everything you need to know about fighting without using your quirk. Midoriya stares deep into your eyes before speaking. His voice was dark, venom spilling out of every word. "What did you call me?"

Your body freezes and your eyes widen. You have never been this fearful before. Everything about Midoriya has changed within a matter of seconds. His normal relaxed body is now a tense-filled ball of fire. His eyes look as if he could murder you within moments. The air became thick as your body goes full flight mode and backs further into the wall.

Midoriya slowly starts walking towards you. "Never in my life do I want to hear that name come out of your mouth again." Midoriya grabs your wrist and pulls you towards him. "I do not give two shits if that is my villain name. You will always call me by my name, Izuku Midoriya." With each word, his grip got tighter and his voice became harsher. "Never again. Are you. Allowed. To call. ME. DEKU!" At this point, you were trembling. No words were forming and your muscles grew weak. "Do you understand, Doll?" You try to answer but fail and end up slightly nodding your head.

"Good." Midoriya releases you from his grip and your knees go weak with fear. Midoriya walks towards the door before stopping a few feet away from you. "But..." Midoriya turns around and walks back to you, holding his hand out impatiently. You try to grab his hand but your body is still trembling. Midoriya grips your wrist and pulls you to a stand. "You have some lessons to be learned. Is that right, Doll?"

"Le-lessons?" You pull your hand away from Midoriya and hold yourself up against the wall.

"Hmm, yes. A lesson for misbehaving." Midoriya walks out of the bathroom and takes a right.

The closet... I only ever got a small peak of everything.

You fix your sleeve and stand up straight. That was the first time in a very long time that you had ever been that fearful. Your brain is foggy from what had happened and your body doesn't seem to want to move away from the wall. Your legs are weak but you hold yourself up. Whatever is coming next, you want to be prepared for it.

"Doll, which punishment would you like first? My name, or my symbol?" You hear Midoriya giggling to himself which only made matters worse. You wait to answer him. What you think he's about to pull out of that closet will be the deciding factor. But, what does he mean by name or symbol? "Which one, Doll." His tone became dark again as he walks back into the bathroom holding a knife.

"Why do you have a knife?" Midoriya only giggles waiting impatiently for your response.

The Light and Dark- Villain MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now