Time To Go

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I drop right in front of the students. "Hello~" The glint of my gun is shown before I draw it, pointing it at Doll. "I am afraid I am going to need her."

"Villain Deku!" Ochako grabs onto her tighter. I feel my face drop. Shoto activates his ice quirk forming a wall. I feel someone walking up behind me.

"Need a hand?" Dabi's annoying voice fills the air.

"Sadly, yes. Do as you wish. Just do not hurt Doll." I shoot my gun into the ice cracking it. "This should make it easier." Dabi smirks and fire shoots from his hands. I jump onto a tree and search for the students. Luckily for me, they are easy to see. I quickly jump down with a needle in hand. "As much as I like fighting, I do not have time for this." Ochako freezes as I stab the needle into her neck. At the moment when she is frozen, I grab Doll and jump back into a tree.

I hold her in one arm and grab my earpiece, "Kiroguri, I am good to teleport back to the main area." Within seconds, a portal spawns in front of me. I skip through holding my Doll closer than ever. As I walk through the portal, I see the students knock something out of Compress's hand. I smile as Shigarki makes eye contact with me. Compress takes off his mask and holds out two marbles. I do not listen to what he says, nor do I really care. Kiroguri opens another portal and Shigaraki walks through with Toga following.

"Doll~" I hug her body as I stare once more into the eyes of the other students. I walk through the portal as I hear Dabi say something else to Shoto. I glance at Dabi and see him holding Bakugou by the neck. I giggle with excitement as I take Doll back to our room. This time nothing will go wrong.

I quietly shut and lock my door as the yells of Bakugou fill the area. I sit down on our bed as her little body stays limp in my hands. "Something is off here." I lay her down and check her pulse. "Her heart rate is slower than normal. Maybe the drug was too strong?" I fix her hair and lay down on her chest. Her heartbeat sounds normal, just slightly slower. "Mmm, I don't even care anymore. I have my Doll back!"

I wrap my arms around her and pull her into a hug, us laying on our sides. "From now on, I will be the one watching you. Maybe when you awaken another punishment is needed." I drag my finger along her left arm feeling for my name. "Ah! It is still there! I was hoping to have to re-carve it but I guess I will find something else."

Her head moves to rest on my chest, sending excitement all over. My hand makes its way to her back. The wound seems closed now but still not fully healed. Her body twitches as I run over a sensitive part of the wound. "Ah, I can not wait till you awaken my love." I hug her tight as I close my eyes, listening to the now-silent Bakugou. "Everything went according to plan."

The Light and Dark- Villain MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now