Mind Training

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Poor Doll. I never wanted her to pass out again but oh well. That is what will happen from now on until she learns. I make my way to Dabi's room. I do not bother knocking before entering his room. His shit is everywhere. Clothes, medications, staples, one of Shigariaki's hands, and boxes of hair dye.

"Dabi, I need the drug now." A groan is heard on the small bed as Dabi sits up, his shirt nowhere to be found.

"The drug is almost done. You need to wait for it to cool down. It may be another ten to twenty minutes." Dabi stands up walking over to a pot. "If used with a spoon, it could be used right now but..." Dabi glares at me with a smirk. "A spoon won't give you that satisfaction, will it?"

I close my eyes and smirk. "No. No, it will not. I need to see and hear everything. Her skin getting punctured, the fear in her eyes, her weak attempts to fight back, everything~" I open my eyes to see Dabi stirring the white liquid in the pot.

"You're a fucking weirdo, boss." He steps away from the pot. "I'll come find you once it's completely cooled down."

"Perfect! I will be in mine and Doll's room so knock twice once it is ready." I quickly turned away and walked out of his room.

I walk past the main room and peek in. Kacchan is passed out. I roll my eyes and continue walking. "What a waste of time. I mentioned getting him out of anger but now he is useless. I will have to use Doll to get him to agree." I enter our room and lock the door. The room is dark but thanks to my new quirk, I can see everything. Her body is glowing. Literally.

I quickly make my way to her and remove the covers. Every scar and wound on her body is glowing a warm-yellow tone. "Shit, shit, shit, Shit, SHIT!" I quickly make my way to Kacchan. I grab his throat and shake him awake. "Answer me now. Is y/n's quirk growing because of you disgusting heroes?"

His eyes widened. I remove the mask on his face and step away with folded arms. "What the hell are you talking about Deku?"

"Let me rephrase." I grab a knife and press it against his throat. "All she has done since coming back here is glow. A very pretty glow but not like she has ever before. What did the heroes do to my Doll?"

His eyes return to normal but his body stays tense. "I- I don't know. She trains on her own most of the time."

I release Bakugou and pace around the room. "Dammit! This is all their fault. Their voices must have gotten to her head the moment she got away from me. I was too soft on her last time." I point my knife at Bakugou. "I will be back. If you do not answer our questions I will take everything out of y/n."

I quickly make my way to Dabi's room, opening the door without knocking. "Give me the drug now. I do not care how but make it happen within the next two fucking minutes or else I will rip every organ out of your body while you are still awake." My words spit like venom as Dabi sits up. I slam his door shut and make my way to our room. "Nothing will go wrong again."

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