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"What's wrong Bakugou? Can't save your little friend?" The sound of his voice pisses me off. He knows I can't move. He knows that Y/n is injured. "You know, if you two would just listen and do as you are told, these days would have gone by so much faster." What does he mean? After that scream the only thing I can think of is Scout. Deku turns around and grabs what looks like bandages and wound cleaner. His dumb face turns towards me with a pout. "Poor little y/n. How long can she go without breaking this time?"

I watch his dumbass walk back the way he came. I can't sit here forever. Scout is probably knocked out cold bleeding everywhere. Oh, that damn Deku. Once I get out of here, I will do everything in my power to make sure you go to hell.

"Hello!" A teenage female walks in. Toga. "Oh, right... You can't respond..." She sits down at the bar staring me down. "What do you think will happen after today, Bakugou?"

I swear to god. Am I really gonna sit through a one-sided conversation?

"Maybe I'll be able to see her again!" She looks at me with a big smile. "Normally I would tell you but, you're kinda scary. Maybe once you calm down, I'll tell you." She jumps off the bar stool and skips, to what I think is out of the bar.

This is fucking stupid. Where did these villains find quirk-stopping handcuffs? God, I hope Scout is okay...

Deku walks back out a few minutes later with some blood on his shirt. "Bakugou, Katsuki." His smile doesn't meet his eyes. "Sorry I left so fast last time. My Doll was far more important."

Grrr... Calling Scout, 'My Doll'. I can't stand this guy.

Deku stands in front of me, arms folded. "Know, Bakugou," Deku's red eyes gleamed in the light. "If you continue to listen and be a good little pet, Y/n will not get injured." My eyes must have said everything cause Deku cackles. "Whenever you do not listen or say anything from now on, I am just gonna bring her out here. Maybe then you will listen."

I try everything to get out of these chains, but nothing works. Deku only smirks down at me. He looks at the time before walking back the way he came. "Before I go, Kacchan." Deku stops moving and pulls out a knife covered in blood. "Watch what you do as well." Twirling the knife in his hand, he walks out of sight leaving me there with Kiroguri.

Dammit... I need to find a way out of here, fast.

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