Time Skip: USJ

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It was finally time for the USJ trip. Throughout your time at UA, you learned more than you thought you would learn. Not only did your quirk grow, you grew as a person. Let's start with your quirk growth.

Your right side has grown in strength. Your dark matter has become easier to hold and much easier to keep control of. The dark matter bubble can be held for a longer period of time. Much longer than the sludge incident. Your left side has slightly grown as well. You can now create a healing bubble, much like the dark matter bubble. It cannot keep people out but it does heal everyone in the bubble. At the moment, you are working on creating two bubbles at once, one dark matter and one light. So far... Not much luck. You can heal when you have a weapon in hand or wings on your back, but never when a bubble is present.

You put on your hero outfit while talking to the other girls. Ochako is excited to get some different environmental action while Froppy is worried. You smile and walk out to the bus, waiting for everyone to arrive. Aizawa notices your presence and watches you closely.

"Scout. Come here." Aizawa motions you to come while he sits up in his sleeping bag. "I think I have found a way for you to train. Instead of creating both bubbles at one time, try mixing the bubbles together. Making it half and half."

You sit down and think about what he means. You physically understand but attempting it may be a different story. You start by creating half a bubble of dark matter. You bring your left hand to the dark matter, ignoring the eyes you can feel staring. You attempt to 'heal' the dark matter, surrounding it in light. The dark matter only becomes strong, not mixing but you notice that everyone is making their way over.

You stand and reach your hand to help your teacher up. He takes your hand, still in the sleeping bag, and stands up. He slightly bows before looking at the other students. "Alright, get on the bus. We've got a short ride."

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