The Past: Hours Later

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Your phone starts ringing as you sit in Bakugou's lap, your back to his chest. You answer the phone and put it on speaker. "Hello?"

"Y/n? Where are you?" Your mom's voice echoes through the silent room.

"Sorry, mom. I'm at the Bakugou's house. Is Inko there?"

"Yes, I was gonna ask you about that as well."

You look at Bakugou with a pleading look. He tsk before taking the phone. "You guys can come over for dinner at my house if you'd like."

Inko's voice plays through your phone. "Oh thank you Bakugou! We'll be over in about an hour. Don't worry about telling your mom. I'll call her and we can go shopping for some food."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." You take your phone back and say goodbye. You end the call and lean back into Bakugou. "What the hell was that shitty face?" Bakugou grabs your chin and forces you to look up. "Do you understand what that look can do to someone? We are both under stress right now and my emotions are fucked up."

You turn to face Bakugou, no longer leaning on him but still pretty close. "What do you mean? Like, I understand the first part but, what about your emotions?"

"Scout..." Bakugou lightly wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer, digging his head into the crook of your neck. "I have never wanted hugs or affection but all of a sudden, ever since that call, that has been the only two things on my mind: making sure you are okay and keeping you close to me."

Your eyes widen as you listened to Bakugou. You never thought Bakugou would enjoy any type of physical attention. Your body trembles as he pulls you closer. You feel his warm breath in the crook of your neck as your face heats up. Bakugou never wanted you to hate him. He just wanted you to be safe.

His tactics to keep me safe were interesting but it all makes sense now.

You snap back to reality as something cold and wet hits your skin. You don't bother saying anything but instead wrap your arms around him, holding him close. A few minutes later, his face moves away from your neck, finally looking you in the eyes. All he said was "Sorry y/n," before laying back onto his pillow, taking you with him. You rest your head on his chest as he runs his fingers through your hair, slowly drifting into a light slumber.

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