Sports Festival

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It was finally time for the sports festival and everyone is jumping with excitement and nervousness. While waiting for the signal to walk out you spot Katsuki trying to look at the audience. You walk over to him and rest your hand on his shoulder.

"Relax Katsuki. The teachers have everything under control." Katsuki looks over his shoulder and tsk. You smile slightly seeing him relax from your touch.

"I swear, if anything happens, I'm fighting to the end." You squeeze his shoulder and giggle. Before you can talk, the signal to walk out is sound. "Can't wait to beat you, Scout." A smirk covers his face as he walks out onto the field. You quickly follow behind. You're mind nowhere near what happened a couple weeks ago.

As the rest of the students make their way onto the field, Midnight calls Katsuki to say his "speech".

"I just wanna say..." Katsuki looks directly at you with a smirk. "I'm gonna win." Everyone goes silent while you chuckle. Midnight stumbles on her words for a minute before regaining the attention of the audience.

You elbow Katsuki once he returns to his spot. "Just because you said that I'm gonna do everything in my will to make sure you struggle."

"Only struggle? Why not beat me?" For a moment Katsuki looks dumbfounded before he looks into your eyes.

"My body is still healing so I made a deal with Aizawa to only participate in the first game. After that, I'm gonna help with injuries and other fun shit."

Katsuki chuckles. "Damn, I am a bad influence on your language." You chuckle back before turning your attention back to midnight.

"The first round of the festival will be an obstacle race. The students will have to make their way through the obstacle and be the first to the end. The first one-hundred students to pass will continue on to the next round."

You smirk as you see the entrance and prepare yourself to beat Katsuki.

"You're going down Y/n," Katsuki whispers in your ear with confidence.

Your smirk increases, "Eat my shit Katsuki."

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