The Past: The Morning After

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*Minutes pass and your breathing slows as you subconsciously cuddle into Izuku. Izuku moves your hair watching you peacefully sleep on his chest while some tears still fall from your eyes. Thoughts fill his head as he realizes what will happen tomorrow. Y/n... he thought. I will be back for you. Time will only tell when. He kisses your lips softly claiming you. He hugs you slightly and falls asleep holding you, ignoring the future that awaits.*

"Mmmm..." You stir in your sleep as something feels missing. You reach your hand out looking for something. You open your eyes and look around the room. "Izuku?" You mumble as you sit up and rub your eyes. Your eyes scan the room for any sign of him. The only thing out of place is your window; left wide open even though you remember closing it the previous day. You wobble out of bed and throw on a hoodie. "Mom..? Are you home?" You walk into the kitchen rubbing the sleep from your eyes again. "Mom?" You look around the kitchen and find a piece of paper sitting on the island. Sorry for leaving you like this but the modeling manager called. I'll be home before dinner! -Love mom.

"Okay... I guess I'll see if Izuku is around here somewhere." You look around the house for what seems like forever in hopes of finding the one person you crave comfort from. Panic fills your mind as you make your way back to the kitchen. "Izuku?! Are you still here?!" You yell into the quiet house hoping that his voice would fill the silence. "I need my phone." You run to your room and quickly grab your phone. You find Izukus's name and hit call.

*Bring bring* One ring. *Bring bring* Two rings. *Bring bring* Three rings. Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message. Please record your message.

"SHIT!" Your body collapses to the floor and begins shaking. "What the hell is going on?!" You look at your phone and try calling Midoriya once more.

*Bring bring* *Bring bring* *Bring bring* Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message. Please record your message.

"I need... I need to go to Inko." You quickly stand up, rushing to throw on a pair of your sweatpants. You run out the door. You keep running ignoring the coldness hitting your face and feet. You reach Inko's house at record speed knocking on her door. "Inko? Please open the door."

"Y/n? Is that you?" Inko quickly opens the door and lets you inside. "Is everything alright?"

"Is Izuku here?" You grab hold onto the hoodie strings as you watch Inko's eyes change.

"I'm sorry y/n. I haven't seen him since yesterday. I thought he was with you." What...? He didn't come home? Where is he?

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