Train Ride Home

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The ride home was extremely quiet, the only sound being the train. You rest your head on Katsuki's shoulder as your eyelids begin to fall heavy. "Y/n?" Katsuki whispers in your ear. "What happened? This isn't your shirt."

"It's his shirt." You mumble and grab onto Midoriya's shirt. "It was the only shirt that could have kept me warm from the wind."

You feel Katsuki tighten. "You flew away from the League?"

"Mhm," you hum. You can practically feel the steam coming off Katsuki. "I know you didn't know that I could fly but while being held captive." You sit up and look him in the eyes. "Midoriya did his best to keep my quirk to a minimum. Every day was a struggle to fight off the drugs. Eventually, he stopped with the heavy drugs as he found a new purpose for me."

"Scout," Aizawa jumped in. "I don't mean to interrupt but may you explain in full detail, or in as much detail as you please?"

"Of course sir." You pull your knees to your chest and lean your head on Katsuki. "When he drugged me, it was with needles. It got to the point where I would try to fight him off. Eventually, he gave up. I think he hid the drugs in drinks and food though."

"How did your body fight off the drugs?" All Might places a finger on his lip.

"I'm not quite sure but I think it has something to do with my light energy ability. That was one of the purposes they had me there for. Whenever they had a bad mission I afford to heal them as a way of training. It gave them an advantage but it slowed down the drugs I was given."

Aizawa nodded his head. "It's alright Scout. Healing them was helping you to escape. We will make sure nothing like this happens again. But for your injuries..." Aizawa lazily points to your shoulder. "I am almost one-hundred percent sure that he not only wanted you for your power. I believe you can see that as well."

You can feel Katsuki 'tsk' before he mumbles. "I still can't believe he became a villain." He raises his voice ever so slightly. "This villain is quirkless but yet somehow has a quirk now, maybe more than one."

"He has two I think. Not one hundred percent sure. I know he is one of the strongest amongst the League." You lean closer to Katsuki as fear strikes. "I don't know what the attack is, but one is coming up soon. It's a big attack as well."

The teachers look at each other as the train goes through another town. You can practically see their thoughts.

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