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The moment I step through the portal my eyes begin to search for her. Her perfect hair, her perfect body. Oh, and how could I forget those lips. Those lips that I claimed before becoming who I am right now. I cannot wait to see her again!

After moments of searching, I finally see her. The only thing that has changed about her is that she has grown up, just like me. Her chest has gotten bigger, I believe. I am still far away but I cannot wait to have her in my arms again.

She finally spots me! Her eyes are on me! But- why is he behind her? Eh- NO! He moved her out of my sight! Ugh... Now someone else is carrying her. Damnit. I should have moved faster to get her.

"Shigaraki. Leave the white-haired girl alive. If she is dead, I will murder every one of you. Starting with you."

Shigaraki nods his head in agreement and continues his attack. "Spread the message," he says to another minion. The minion nods and runs off.

Finally, my little Doll will be with me again! My body is trembling with excitement! I will finally be able to show her my new quirks! My enhanced eyesight and my new perfect aim. Now all I have to do is find her since 'mom' moved everyone around. Luckily all I have to do is wait. That explosion ball will be running straight into any fight he can find. I will have to deal with Eraserhead first. That is fine with me. Even with my quirk erased, I can use my knife and guns.

I cannot contain this feeling anymore. I have to have her in my arms again. I have to feel her warmth against me. I need her soft lips. I need her.


"What now Deku?" Shigaraki looks away from his masterpiece of a plan with a groan.

"If Kiroguri sees her, teleport her to me, immediately." Shigaraki only rolls his eyes and nods.

Time is ticking love. Time. Is. Ticking.

The Light and Dark- Villain MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now