Energy Returned

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"Wait, you know I passed out?" You grab Midoriya's hand and walk with him back to his room.

"Yes. I walked in here earlier to check on you and saw you passed out. I refilled your water and prepared some food for you in here." Midoriya opens his bedroom door and lets you inside. "And before you say anything," Midoriya shuts and locks the door. "I overheard your conversation this morning with Kiroguri." You panic. You have been really good at lying but Midoriya might be able to see through your lies. Midoriya quickly backs you into the wall, pinning you by the arms. He pins them above your head and looks deep into your eyes. "You are so easy to read, doll. No matter how hard you try to deny it, you are breaking. Breaking into the perfect doll!"

"What are you talking about, Izuku?" You struggle under his hold. Sadly, your choice of words led to him holding you tighter and his smile only grew more prominent.

"Look at that, Doll! You are already calling me Izuku again!" Midoriya brings his lips to your ear and whispers. "I have been waiting more than two years for you to say that again." Midoriya nibbles at your ear causing you to squirm.

"Mid-Midoriya, wait..!" You squirm hard as Midoriya moved down to your neck. "Midoriya!" You groan into his ear as you struggle to break free.

"I want to hear my name again~" Midoriya growls into your neck, "My real name."

Your body shivers as you shake your head. "No way!" Your right hand almost gets free but Midoriya grips harder. You squeak and stop struggling to catch your breath. "Midor-" Midoriya bites into your collarbone causing you to gulp.

"Say it~" Midoriya grabs your chin and looks into your eyes. "Say the name so preciously carved into you." Your lips quiver as Midoriya's thumb rubs over them. "Come on Doll. Say it from these lips."

"I-... Izuku." Your body stays still as Midoriya chuckles. His free hand roams down your neck to your abdomen and hovers over your scar.

"To think Doll, I have made four scars on you in a matter of two months. Multiple on your back but mainly one. One here." Midoriya gently glides his fingers over your abdomen. "Your pretty arm, and now here." Midoriya licks your collarbone. "It may not be permanent, but it is something I can continually keep fixing." Midoriya purrs against your skin, making you shiver.

Knocking on the door caused Midoriya to growl in annoyance. "What do you want?"

A girl's voice is heard through the door. "It's time~"

The Light and Dark- Villain MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now