Not Quite Yet

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The ground is the first thing your body hits as Aizawa states training time is over. Your energy level is almost non-existing as you close your eyes. The sun is starting to set and today the students have to cook, including you. You hear footsteps getting closer to you. You open your eyes to see Tokoyami and dark shadow blocking the sun from your eyes.

"Everything alright, Scout?" You force a smile and hold up your thumb before closing your eyes and taking a deep breath.

"I'm okay. Just don't have much energy." Dark shadow disappears as Bakugou's voice is heard screaming at Kirishima. You chuckle before opening your eyes. "I guess it's time for us to start helping that mess." You weakly point over to Bakugou. Tokoyami chuckles. You stand up with the help of Tokoyami and make your way toward the others.

"How do you not know how to cook, Shitty Hair!?" Katsuki's explosions get right up in Kiri's face. Kirishima just stands there laughing with tears in his eyes. Mina says something that makes Kirishim laugh even harder while making Bakugou even more pissed.

You walk towards the table with the uncut vegetables and sit down with Tokoyami. You form two knives and give one to him. "We can cut these and be done for the day."

"Agreed." He takes the knife and begins cutting the cucumbers. You pick up the washed carrots and begin cutting them as well. Some students from class 1-B sit down to help. You make them knives as well and begin cutting the vegetables. Conversations began pretty easily as you don't talk to the other classes as often.

"Hey Dumbass! Are those damn vegetables ready yet?" Katsuki's voice is heard over your conversation.

"They're ready, Katsuki. Just give us a minute to bring them over." You and the others who were cutting vegetables bring them over to Katsuki. "Here you go. This should be everything."

"Thank you Y/n!" Mina pops out from behind Bakugou and takes the cut carrots. You chuckle before heading back to the table. About ten minutes later, food was ready.

"Alright, everyone!" Kirishima shouts to everyone. "Dinner is served!"

You watch everyone get up to get their food. You grab your knives and head over to the makeshift sink. You do a quick rinse of them and form them back into your body. Some energy has returned but not enough to do much.

"Y/n, come on!" Mina's voice draws you out of your thoughts. "You don't want to starve all night."

"Coming!" A smile fills your tired eyes as you join your friends in the feast. "Itadakimasu!" Is said throughout everyone and people begin to dive into their food. You sit with the Baku squad and enjoy an evening of laughter and food.

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