End of Round One

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The exit is in sight and Katsuki and Shoto are close on your tail. You come to a halt and focus your energy on creating wings. Katsuki and Shoto end up passing you but not for long. You combine dark matter wings with some light matter to gain lighter-weighted wings. It took longer than wanted due to the explosions but finally, you finished. Once they have formed completely, you fly to the exit. Though your speed is not as fast as you would like, you end up passing everyone and taking the crown for first place.

"I did it!" You do a circle in the air before landing next to Katsuki with a bow. The crowd cheers and you turn to face Katsuki. "I guess the next training will be working on speed." You smirk while Katsuki rolls his eyes.

"Whatever you say, dumbass." You giggle but hold out your hand with a smile.

"I put my victory in your hands Katsuki. Win the rest of this festival!" Katsuki tsk before shaking your hand. Kirishima comes running over with a big smile on his face.

"That was so manly Scout! When did you learn to do that?" You giggle before quickly explaining the training you did during your kidnapping. "Woah, that's so manly. And the fact that this is the only round you are participating in, wow..."

You rub the back of your head with a shy smile. "Thanks, Kiri. Maybe one day we can train together and learn even more things about what our quirks can do."

"Of course Y/n!" Kiri looks at the leaderboard and turns back to you. "So, who is gonna take your spot?" You look at the leaderboard and shrug.

"Whoever is in place 101." You peer over to Katsuki. "I can't wait to see how the rest of this day goes."

Kirishima and you listen to Midnight state how the first round has ended and the second round will begin shortly. You wave your goodbye and make your way to the locker rooms. During your walk, a chill ran through your body causing you to stop and look around. A few seconds pass and you shrug it off and enter the locker room.

You make your way to your locker and quickly get changed into your hero outfit. In order to help your friends with injuries, Recovery Girl requested you to be in outfit so she can easily spot you. You walk to a mirror and adjust your outfit before taking a step back and admiring your outfit. Some upgrades will be needed soon but for now, this should be fine.

"Alright Scout," You turn away from the mirror with determination in your eyes. "Let's go help everyone!"

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