The New Beginning

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“Well, what now Deku?”  A black-haired man with scars walks up to me with no emotion.  “What was the point in getting her?”  He points to the room where my Doll is being kept.

“Dabi, that is for me to know and for you to never ask about again.”  I smile at him with slight aggression in my eyes.  “If anyone touches her, I will murder you myself.”  With that message, I walk to the room where my Doll is staying and unlock the door.  Quietly, I enter the room and relock the door hoping my Doll is still knocked out.

The room is simple: a twin-sized bed, a broken closet, and a small bathroom attached.  Nothing fancy but this will have to do for us.  After all, this is how I have lived for the past two or so years so, hopefully, she will understand.  The other people in this building worry me though.  Dabi is someone who will do anything to get some action while Shiggy is just looking for new members to join the L.O.V.  My plan for my Doll will go smoothly and no one will ruin it.  No villain.  No hero.  No one.

I look at my Doll who is passed out on the shared bed and my heart flutters.  Her hair is covering most of her face but part of her lips can be seen.  They look the same as the last time I kissed her.  And I bet they feel the same as before.  My heart begins to speed up as many thoughts fill my mind.

I quietly walk to my closet and remove my villain outfit, changing into black sweatpants.  I look over at Doll again.  She is still passed out, leaving me more time to clean up my outfit.  Work was a bit dirty today so I need to wash my outfit before my next mission.  I will have to make it fast though.  Who knows when she will awaken.

I take my clothes to the bathroom and start running the water in the tub.  I remove my knives and needles from the pockets and put them in the sink. I start cleaning them while waiting for the tub to fill up.  I look out of the door, checking on Doll, who is still out.  I look over at the tub and turn off the water, throwing my blood-filled clothes in along with some detergent.

Cleaning everything took about thirty minutes.  I hung my clothes up in the bathroom and walked out of the room.  Doll is still sleeping but she is laying on her right side now, her back facing me.  She looks so peaceful when she is sleeping.  I cannot wait till I can see her gold-colored eyes full of fear again!  Everything is going according to plan.

“Deku!  I swear to god, get your ass out here!”  A raspy voice is heard from the other side of my door.  I roll my eyes as I walk away from Doll.  Another stupid meeting…  I turn to look at her once more before exiting the room quietly.

The Light and Dark- Villain MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now