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"Katsuki, I don't feel good." You tighten your grip as the pain in your head worsens. Katsuki slows to a walk. He pats your hands as his head moves side to side.

"You guys keep going. We are gonna hide in that store." Katsuki points towards a shop whose owners are peaking their heads out the door.

"Okay, Bakugou. Be safe." Kirishima motions for the other to keep going. Katsuki runs up to the shop.

You speak before Katsuki can. "Can we hide in here for a while?" The owners stare at you in disbelief before moving away from the door.

"Of course, sweetie. You can hide in the back. Eat as much as you would like." The female owner pulls the male owner inside and closes the door. "We'll call your school and turn the lights off. Will you two be okay in the shop by yourself? I don't know if we will be much physical help if something bad happens here."

"Yeah, yeah. We'll be fine." Katsuki walks over to the bathroom. You pound his chest with as much force as you can. "Thanks..." He mumbles. He walks over to the toilet and set you on the black and white tiled ground. "Stay there. I'm gonna grab you water and something light to eat."

You rest your head against the wall and hug your knees. "Katsuki?" Katsuki pops his head in with a hum. "Is the nightmare over?" Katsuki walks over to you with a hurt smile.

"It's over, Y/n. That boy will never, and I mean never, hurt you again. Even if it means I get hurt. He will never hurt you again." Katsuki pats your head before standing up. "I'm gonna find you some water now. You are safe from now until the end, Y/n."

The Light and Dark- Villain MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now