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I was just about to head home when I bumped into Pnam, one of my gang's councilors. She was holding a gun in her right hand and clutching her bleeding left arm. So, I quickly assisted her back to the warehouse and sat her down on the sofa.

"What happened to you? Why are you bleeding?" I immediately asked her.

"Boss Freen, we're in danger. We need to lay low for now."

I could see the pain etched on her face from her arm wound.

"What do you mean?"

"I was staking out the Redfix gang as Erin suggested. And Erin was right, they're in cahoots with the traitos gang, who were responsible for your brother's death."

I stopped and stared at her. They were behind everything. Drey's death was planned after all.

"Tell me, Pnam! Where can I find the traitos gang?!"

"That's what I don't know, boss. I would have found out if one of their men hadn't spotted me. I had to escape quickly from that place, but they still managed to shoot me. Luckily, they only hit my arm."

I need to know who these men are. Despite the time that has passed, I still remember the faces of the men who almost raped me and caused my brother Drey's accident.

"I'm taking you to the hospital. Come on."

I was about to help her up when she stopped me.

"Boss Freen, I'll just stay in the warehouse..."

Tears welled up in her eyes as she spoke. So  I stopped and held her hand.

"I'll call Doc Venus to treat your wound, okay?"

SHe nodded at me while leaning against the sofa.

"Boss Freen, did you know I have a twin?"

"A twin?"

"Uhmm, but I won't ever see her ..."

"What do you mean?"

"I just found out today that I have a twin. But our parents gave her up for adoption and I don't know who adopted her."

SHe broke down in tears as she told me her story. I hugged her and patted her shoulder.

"I'm here, Pnam. One day, we'll find your sister. Believe me, okay?"

"Thank you, Freen. I'm sorry for crying in front of you."

"It's ok? I understand you pnam."

"Thank you so much, boss Freen..."

I let her cry. I knew she was hurt from what she had find out.


When Doc Venus arrived at the warehouse, my gang members were already gone. I had sent them away because Doc venus didn't know about my gang, and I didn't want her to find out.

While in the car, I saw Becky and Ken happily walking towards my house.

"Ma'am Freen? Isn't that Becky and Ken heading to your house?" He ask.