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While Pnam was sleeping, I took a towel to wipe her neck and forehead to reduce the heat in her body. I didn't think there would be someone like this, getting sick when someone kisses her. It's like fate is playing a joke on me after all that has happened.

Freen is not here yet. How are they and Becky doing right now? After getting a towel and cold water, I placed the basin on the table and started wiping her forehead.

Pnam is cute? Then her lips...

I stopped wiping her because of what I was thinking about Pnam. I slapped my forehead with my palm.

"Crazy! What are you talking about?"

I scolded myself.

Ken came a while ago and he was talking to someone for a while. I heard it was Erin and Kade he was talking to, but I don't know what they talked about on the phone. It was on loudspeaker, but not that loud, so I didn't hear much.

Ken: "Hanna, is Pnam okay?"

I looked at him and gave him a look that indicated she was not okay, and he immediately understood.

Ken: "Don't worry, she will be okay soon!"

I nodded to him and continued to wipe Pnam's forehead and neck, up to her arm.

After a while, I heard a crash sound, so Ken and I looked at each other. Ken immediately went to check the CCTV inside Freen's office, and then he quickly looked at his phone and Pnam.

Ken: "Aisssst! Hanna, hide Pnam quickly! Quickly!"

I was taken aback by his urgency. Where should we hide? And why do Pnam and I need to hide? I looked at him nervously before asking.

"Why? Why do we need to hide?"

Ken: "Just hurry up, Hanna..."

In my panic, I woke up Pnam. She groaned and opened her eyes.

"Get up! Hurry up..."

Pnam looked surprised and stared at me, wondering why I was rushing her to stand up. Her eyes were filled with questions.

"Don't stare at me, Pnam! Come on, hurry up."

Even though I didn't know what was going on, I still followed Ken's orders. I immediately pulled her along, searching for a place to hide. When I saw the space under the bed, I quickly pulled her in. I think Pnam was upset by what I did to her.

Later, I heard footsteps approaching.

Erin: "Freen, calm down, okay? Please don't get angry with her!"

Ken: "What happened, Freen?"

I heard Erin trying to calm Freen down, so I looked at Pnam beside me, wondering what she had done to Freen.

Pnam: "W-what?"

Freen: "That Pnam! She gave Becky a black card without my knowledge. If Erin hadn't mentioned it to me earlier, I wouldn't have known that Becky had a black card, Ken..."

I looked at Pnam, who was already sweating next to me, as she held my hand. I glanced at her and our hands.

"Ah, you're holding my hand, Pnam?"

Pnam just looked at me.

Pnam: "Sorry..."

"Are you okay?"

Pnam: "Do I look okay, Hanna? Freen is mad at me, and I don't want her to be angry. What was I thinking when I gave Becky a black card?"

"What is a black card? And why is Freen so angry with you?"