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I am currently at the warehouse, where it is quiet outside. While I was inside my car, I noticed a man coming out of the gate carrying a suitcase. I quickly grabbed my small telescope to investigate what was inside the warehouse since the gate was not closed. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to gather information.

As I looked through the telescope, I noticed numerous drums scattered around, and there were elderly individuals working inside. I lowered the telescope and focused on the man whom Freen had instructed me to follow. To my shock, he was carrying a gun and forcefully pushing an old woman, causing her to fall onto the pavement.

"F***! That bastard!" I exclaimed in anger.

Feeling overwhelmed by what I had witnessed, I closed my eyes momentarily, trying to regain composure. I realized I needed to contact Ken to calm myself down and figure out what actions I could take while controlling my anger.

Pnam took a deep breath to compose herself before responding to Ken.

Pnam: "I'm at the warehouse of the traitor's gang, and I witnessed something terrible. That man we've been following, he was pushing an old woman and she was crying, begging him not to hurt her. It's infuriating, Ken. I want to take him down right now, but I know I need to stay calm."

Ken: "I understand how you feel, Pnam. It's natural to be angry when we witness such injustice. But remember, we need to approach this situation strategically. Losing control of our emotions won't help us achieve our goal. We need to gather evidence, involve the authorities, and ensure the safety of everyone involved. Revenge won't solve the problem."

Pnam nodded, realizing the importance of Ken's words.

Pnam: "You're right, Ken. I need to stay focused and think about the bigger picture. We have to gather as much evidence as possible and report this to the authorities. We can't let this man continue to harm innocent people. I'll do whatever it takes to bring him to justice."

Ken: "That's the spirit, Pnam. We're in this together, and we'll make sure justice is served. Stay strong, and let's work towards putting an end to their criminal activities."

Pnam felt a renewed determination and thanked Ken for his support. She knew that by staying level-headed and strategic, they could make a difference and bring justice to those who deserved it.

She put down her phone and started the engine when someone knocked on the window of her car. She looked towards the window and saw that it was a member of the traitor's gang. She composed herself and took off her jacket, revealing her figure, before lowering the window.

As the man saw her, his gaze fixated on Pnam's chest.

Pnam: "Is there a problem?"

The guy was too stunned to speak, his eyes still focused on Pnam's breasts.

Pnam: "Why did you knock on my window? Is there something wrong?"

Guy: "I was going to ask why you parked here on the side of our warehouse?"

Pnam smiled at him and let her hair down, captivating the man with her beauty.

Pnam whispered softly to herself, "Such a pervert!"

Pnam then pretended to ask the guy, "So, is this a warehouse?"

"I'm sorry, but I think I'm lost," she continued.

The guy responded, "Is that so, miss? Where were you headed, and why did you get lost?"

"I don't really know," Pnam replied, "but my map led me here. I thought this was the right place, but clearly, it's not. Can you please accompany me? I really want to go home."