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"I didn't finish my food because Becky just walked out. I shouldn't have said that because, as you can see, she's mad at me right now," I thought to myself, regretting my words.

I decided to put the food in the fridge, anticipating that we would both be hungry later. I knew I had to make it up with her, so I went to find her in the garden. There she was, sitting on a chair, gazing at the pool.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I sat in front of her, trying to make amends.

Becky responded with a dismissive tone, "I'm fine!" She rolled her eyes, clearly still upset with me.

"I'm sorry,  if I said that. I didn't mean it," I sincerely apologized, hoping to mend the situation.

Becky, with a poker face, replied, "You didn't mean it?"

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, I continued, "I'm truly sorry. Please forgive me, nah?" I playfully pinched her cheek, hoping to lighten the mood.

Becky winced and said, "Tsk! Stop Doing that."

I tried to gauge her reaction, asking hopefully, "Are we good now?"

She crossed her arms and responded firmly, "No!"

Feeling at a loss for how to make things right, I stood up from my seat and made a funny face, hoping to bring a smile to her face. However, Becky remained unhappy, and I couldn't figure out what else to do.

"Even if you look cute, that won't work for me anymore!"

she stated, still wearing a frown.

I smirked and decided to sit down on the garden, observing her as she walked closer to the pool. It was clear that she was still upset, and I wondered what I could do.

"Oi, Becky, I'm sorry!"

I exclaimed as I stand up and followed her to the pool.

Becky responded, "Alright, stop being so noisy!"

I stopped and slowly approached her, wanting to make things right.

"Seriously, are we okay?"

Becky hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond.

"Uhmmmm..." she trailed off, her expression still showing signs of lingering frustration.

I scratched my head, realizing that even though Becky said it was okay, I could tell that she was still upset. Becky was the type of person who took time to cool down when she was mad. So, I decided to take a chance and hugged her from behind, sincerely apologizing, even if the reason seemed superficial.

"I'm really sorry, Becky. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I care about you, and I don't want us to be mad at each other. Can we please talk about it and find a way to make things right?"

She remained silent for a moment, but then she slowly turned around and looked into my eyes.

"I appreciate your apology, Freen. But dont do that again ok."

I smiled, relieved that she was willing to have a conversation. We sat down by the pool,

As she stroked my hand while we hugged, I could feel that she was no longer mad at me. But I knew it wasn't over yet because I couldn't resist teasing her a little more. We were so close to the pool, and a mischievous thought crossed my mind. I decided to do something silly, knowing it would make her playfully angry. While her back was turned, I pushed her into the pool, causing her to scream in surprise.

Becky angrily shouted, "Pfreeeeeeeeen!!" as she washed her face.

"What the f! Are you crazy?"

she exclaimed, clearly annoyed by my actions.