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I can't believe my worst fear might come true-Becky being kept away from me. Since Becky went to the hospital, she hasn't returned home. I'm starting to worry. I'm just waiting for Ken to pick me up.

I feel like I'm not myself as I stare at the ceiling. What if Becky doesn't come back for me?

I snapped back to reality when I heard a car horn, knowing it must be Ken. I went outside and saw Ken's car parked outside the gate.

As I opened the door, I paused when I saw Hades sitting there. He must be coming to school now, and it's good to see he's okay.

I just smiled at him, trying to hide the sadness I feel because I don't want them to worry about me.

"How are you, Freen?" he asked immediately.

"I'm okay." I forced myself to hide the sadness.

Hades responded, "I know you're just trying to laugh, but Freen... it's okay. I just want you to show me what you really feel right now."

My smile disappeared, and i looked at Hades with a mix of sadness and vulnerability. I realized that I couldn't hide my true emotions from him.

"I... I'm not okay, Hades," i admitted, my voice filled with honesty. "Becky hasn't come home since yesterday, and I'm worried. Her family doesn't approve of our relationship, and I fear they might have done something to keep us apart."

Hades just tap my shoulder.

"Don't think too much, freen. Everything will be alright."

At school, the three of them arrived at the campus at the same time.

As we entered the elevator, I spotted Becky. Excitedly, i immediately called out to her, but Becky ignored me and walked past as if she didn't see me. I felt a wave of sadness and despair wash over me, causing me to lose my strength. I sat on the edge of the elevator, tears streaming down my face, feeling utterly dejected.

Hades asked me if i was okay, showing concern for me well-being. Ken, on the other hand, urged me to stand up and not show my weakness to others.

however, I felt drained and couldn't find the strength to stand up. I watched helplessly as Becky walked away from me, feeling my fears of losing her slowly becoming a reality.

"I'm afraid, Ken? Coz I'm Losing her little by little..." I whispered softly, my voice filled with sadness. Ken, understanding my pain, held my shoulder for support.

"Freen, calm down. Maybe she didn't see you, that's why she's ignoring you," Ken reassured her, trying to offer some comfort.

Freen felt the urge to cry due to the overwhelming pain she was experiencing. However, she didn't want her gang members, who were also her classmates, to witness her vulnerability. She didn't want them to see her cry. But the pain of realizing that the person she loved no longer cared about her was unbearable.

Becky also glanced at Freen and Hades, prompting Freen to compose herself. However, no matter how much she pretended to be okay, she couldn't escape the pain. Becky's actions hurt her deeply. Freen had anticipated this outcome, but experiencing it firsthand was even more painful. As her teacher lectured, Freen found it difficult to focus, constantly stealing glances at Becky. She realized that staying in the class would only cause her more pain.

"Excuse me, sir?" Freen spoke up, capturing the attention of all the students except for Becky, who seemed indifferent towards her.

The teacher responded, "Yes, Freen?"