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It's getting late at night, and Becky finds herself still trapped in the room. With her flight approaching, she feels helpless and unsure of what to do.

"Pfreen!  What am I going to do?" she cries out, leaning against the wall as tears stream down her face. Nop, witnessing her distress, feels sorry for her but is hesitant to approach her due to her anger towards him.

Suddenly, they hear footsteps approaching their room, and Becky's attention shifts towards the doorknob.

The door opens, revealing a man standing before them. Becky looks at him without showing any emotion.

"How are you, dear princess?" the man says, his words accompanied by a touch on Becky's cheek. This gesture reminds Becky of why she had been avoiding him. However, the man forcefully grabs Becky's chin, causing her to stare at him, her expression filled with a mix of fear and defiance.

Becky, filled with defiance, spits in the man's face, causing him to close his eyes in disgust.

"How dare you!" he exclaims angrily.

In retaliation for her action, the man delivers a strong slap to Becky's cheek, leaving her feeling the sting.

Becky bites her lip, feeling the pain on her cheek as his hand remains on her face, making her cheeks turn red.

"Asshole! Maniac! Get me out of here!" Becky demands, her anger evident.

The man responds with a sarcastic smile, his intentions clear.

"Hold her tight! Let's see how brave you are when I do what I have planned for you," he taunts, accompanied by a sinister giggle.

Meanwhile, Nop, who has been listening to their conversation, struggles furiously against his restraints.

"Bosss? She's is innocent here. I may have said she is my girlfriend, but she doesn't have the money. Please, let her go. You can hurt me, but please don't hurt her," Nop pleads, hoping to protect Becky from further harm. but the men only laugh at his pleas.

"Nope! You're so noisy! Maybe I should cover your mouth?" the man sneers, and smirk at Nop.

Nop instinctively backs away as the two men approach him, holding a roll of tape in their hands.

"Please, let Becky go... She is innocent," Nop pleads once again, hoping to appeal to their sense of fairness.

"I hope you think about it before you hand over your friend to us. And you beg me for her freedom now?" the man taunts, accompanied by more laughter from his accomplice.

Nop continues to plead, his voice filled with desperation, "Please! Please..."

Becky watches helplessly, her heart filled with sympathy for Nop. However, she is unable to do anything as her feet and one hand are also bound.

After a while, another man enters the room, pushing drums full of water. He approaches Nop and forcefully grabs his hair.

"Where's the money?" the man demands, his grip causing Nop to lift his face due to the pain.

"I don't know!" Nop responds, his voice filled with genuine confusion and fear.

"You don't know? You're really tough?!"

After he finishes saying that, he drowns Nop's head in the drums filled with water.

"Please, let go of him! Don't you feel sorry for him?!"

They simply laugh while Becky pleads in front of them.

He keeps Nop's head submerged in the water for two minutes before raising it again. Nop is on the verge of fainting due to the ordeal.